The governing body of a county or municipality, by and through the parks and recreation unit or other designated unit, may join or cooperate with a federal, State, or other local governmental unit or community recreation council to acquire, lease, or maintain a park or recreational facility or provide or conduct a park or recreational activity.
Structure Maryland Statutes
Division I - Definitions; General Provisions
Title 1 - Definitions; General Provisions
Subtitle 6 - Public Recreation and Parks
Section 1-602 - Scope of Subtitle
Section 1-603 - Construction of Subtitle
Section 1-604 - Authority to Establish Program and Parks and Recreation Unit
Section 1-605 - Designated Parks and Recreation Units
Section 1-606 - Created Parks and Recreation Board or Commission
Section 1-607 - Park or Recreational Facilities
Section 1-608 - Appropriations
Section 1-609 - Bonding Authority