Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 6 - General Clarification of the Disciplinary Process
Section 1-606 - Sanctioning Guidelines

(a)    Each health occupations board shall adopt specific sanctioning guidelines, including:
        (1)    A range of sanctions that is based on historical data or a normative process for each type of violation; and
        (2)    A list of mitigating and aggravating circumstances that may be used to decide if a sanction falls within or outside the established range of sanctions.
    (b)    Sanctioning guidelines adopted under this section shall:
        (1)    Conform to a general framework or incorporate a common set of elements; and
        (2)    Be used as a guide for sanctioning licensees and certificate holders in formal and informal proceedings.
    (c)    (1)    To the extent a health occupations board departs from the sanctioning guidelines adopted under this section, the board shall state its reasons.
        (2)    A departure from the guidelines alone is not grounds for any hearing or appeal of any board action.