(a) The transportation element may include all types of:
(1) airways;
(2) highways or streets;
(3) railways;
(4) waterways;
(5) routings for mass transit; and
(6) terminals for individuals, goods, and vehicles related to airways, highways, railways, and waterways.
(b) The transportation element shall:
(1) propose, on a schedule that extends as far into the future as is reasonable, the most appropriate and desirable patterns for:
(i) the general location, character, and extent of channels, routes, and terminals for transportation facilities; and
(ii) the circulation of individuals and goods;
(2) provide for bicycle and pedestrian access and travelways; and
(3) include an estimate of the use of any proposed improvement.
Structure Maryland Statutes
Division I - Single-Jurisdiction Planning and Zoning
Title 1 - Definitions; General Provisions
Subtitle 4 - Home Rule Counties
Section 1-406 - Elements -- Charter Counties
Section 1-407 - Development Regulations Element
Section 1-407.1 - Housing Element
Section 1-408 - Sensitive Areas Element
Section 1-409 - Transportation Element
Section 1-410 - Water Resources Element