Maryland Statutes
Part I - General Provisions
Section 1-401 - Charter Counties; Limited Application of Division

(a)    Except as provided in this section, this division does not apply to charter counties.
    (b)    The following provisions of this division apply to a charter county:
        (1)    this subtitle, including Parts II and III (Charter county – Comprehensive plans);
        (2)    § 1–101(l), (m), and (o) (Definitions – “Plan”, “Priority funding area”, and “Sensitive area”);
        (3)    § 1–201 (Visions);
        (4)    § 1–206 (Required education);
        (5)    § 1–207 (Annual report – In general);
        (6)    § 1–208 (Annual report – Measures and indicators);
        (7)    Title 1, Subtitle 3 (Consistency);
        (8)    Title 1, Subtitle 5 (Growth Tiers);
        (9)    § 4–104(b) (Limitations – Bicycle parking);
        (10)    § 4–208 (Exceptions – Maryland Accessibility Code);
        (11)    § 4–210 (Permits and variances – Solar panels);
        (12)    § 4–211 (Change in zoning classification – Energy generating systems);
        (13)    § 4–212 (Agritourism);
        (14)    § 4–213 (Alcohol production);
        (15)    § 4–214 (Agricultural alcohol production);
        (16)    § 5–102(d) (Subdivision regulations – Burial sites);
        (17)    § 5–104 (Major subdivision – Review);
        (18)    Title 7, Subtitle 1 (Development Mechanisms);
        (19)    Title 7, Subtitle 2 (Transfer of Development Rights);
        (20)    except in Montgomery County or Prince George’s County, Title 7, Subtitle 3 (Development Rights and Responsibilities Agreements);
        (21)    Title 7, Subtitle 4 (Inclusionary Zoning);
        (22)    § 8–401 (Conversion of overhead facilities);
        (23)    for Baltimore County only, Title 9, Subtitle 3 (Single–County Provisions – Baltimore County);
        (24)    for Frederick County only, Title 9, Subtitle 10 (Single–County Provisions – Frederick County);
        (25)    for Howard County only, Title 9, Subtitle 13 (Single–County Provisions – Howard County);
        (26)    for Talbot County only, Title 9, Subtitle 18 (Single–County Provisions – Talbot County); and
        (27)    Title 11, Subtitle 2 (Civil Penalty).
    (c)    This section supersedes any inconsistent provision of Division II of this article.