Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 3 - Maryland Environmental Policy Act
Section 1-302 - Declaration of Policy

(a)    The General Assembly of Maryland finds and declares the facts and policies set forth in this section.
    (b)    The protection, preservation, and enhancement of the State’s diverse environment is necessary for the maintenance of the public health and welfare and the continued viability of the economy of the State and is a matter of the highest public priority.
    (c)    All State agencies must conduct their affairs with an awareness that they are stewards of the air, land, water, living and historic resources, and that they have an obligation to protect the environment for the use and enjoyment of this and all future generations.
    (d)    Each person has a fundamental and inalienable right to a healthful environment, and each person has a responsibility to contribute to the protection, preservation, and enhancement of the environment.
    (e)    It is the continuing policy of the State to cooperate with the federal government, other state governments, the District of Columbia, the political subdivisions of the State, and other concerned public and private organizations and individuals, in a manner calculated to protect, preserve, and enhance the environment.
    (f)    The determination of an optimum balance between economic development and environmental quality requires the most thoughtful consideration of ecological, economic, developmental, recreational, historic, architectural, aesthetic, and other values.
    (g)    Beneficial environmental effects of proposed actions can be identified and measures devised to obtain these benefits if environmental evaluations are made a part of the decision-making process of the State.
    (h)    Adverse environmental effects of proposed actions can be anticipated, minimized, and often eliminated if environmental evaluations are made a part of the decision-making processes of the State.
    (i)    Environmental effects reports can facilitate the fullest practicable provision of timely public information, understanding, and participation in the decision-making processes of the State.
    (j)    The General Assembly has an obligation to the people of Maryland to review and evaluate proposed appropriations and other proposed legislation and the conduct of the State agencies in carrying out the policy set forth in this subtitle.
    (k)    The policies, rules, regulations, and public laws of the State shall be interpreted and administered in accordance with the policies set forth in this subtitle.