Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 2 - General Provisions
Section 1-208 - Uniform Claims Forms

(a)    (1)    In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.
        (2)    (i)    Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, “health care practitioner” means a physician or any other person licensed or certified under this article and reimbursed by a third party payor.
            (ii)    Subject to the provisions of subparagraph (iii) of this paragraph, “health care practitioner” does not include a physician or other person licensed or certified under this article who is compensated by a health maintenance organization on a salaried or capitated basis.
            (iii)    The exclusion provided under subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph applies only when the physician or other licensed or certified person is rendering care to a member or subscriber of the health maintenance organization on a salaried or capitated system basis.
        (3)    “Third party payor” means any person that administers or provides reimbursement for health care benefits on an expense incurred basis including:
            (i)    A health maintenance organization issued a certificate of authority in accordance with Title 19, Subtitle 7 of the Health – General Article;
            (ii)    A health insurer or nonprofit health service plan authorized to offer health insurance policies or contracts in this State in accordance with the Insurance Article; or
            (iii)    A third party administrator registered under the Insurance Article.
        (4)    “Uniform claims form” means the claim or billing form for reimbursement of services rendered by a health care practitioner adopted by the Insurance Commissioner under § 15–1003 of the Insurance Article.
    (b)    When submitting a claim or bill for reimbursement to a third party payor, a health care practitioner shall use the uniform claims form.
    (c)    The uniform claims form submitted under this section:
        (1)    Shall be properly completed; and
        (2)    May be submitted by electronic transfer.
    (d)    The Secretary may impose a penalty not to exceed $100 on any health care practitioner that violates the provisions of this section.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Health Occupations

Title 1 - Definitions; General Provisions

Subtitle 2 - General Provisions

Section 1-201 - Verification

Section 1-202 - Compliance With Workers' Compensation Act

Section 1-203 - Authority of Secretary

Section 1-204 - Employment Vacancy Rates in Areas of Shortage

Section 1-205 - Establishment of Fees

Section 1-207 - Notice Explaining Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Guidelines on Universal Precautions

Section 1-207.1 - Identification and Posting of Information Relating to Attention-Deficit/hyperactivity Disorder

Section 1-208 - Uniform Claims Forms

Section 1-209 - Fees for Maryland Health Care Commission

Section 1-210 - Lists of Persons Issued Licenses or Certificates Under This Article

Section 1-211 - Practice of Health Occupation on Animal

Section 1-212 - Sexual Misconduct Prohibited; Regulations; Discipline

Section 1-212.1 - Conversion Therapy for Minors Prohibited

Section 1-213 - Renewal of Licenses or Permits; Verification of Payment of Taxes or Unemployment Insurance Contributions

Section 1-214 - Diversity of Members of Health Occupations Boards

Section 1-215 - Board Vacancy

Section 1-216 - Training Process and Materials

Section 1-217 - Confirmation of Appointment of Administrator or Executive Director

Section 1-218 - Racial and Ethnic Information About Applicant

Section 1-219 - Sanctions for Failure to Comply With Governor's Orders Under Governor's Health Emergency Powers

Section 1-220 - Development and Implementation of Secure Electronic System for License, Permit, Certification, or Registration Renewals

Section 1-221 - Identification Badge for Health Care Practitioners

Section 1-221.1 - Performance of Pelvic, Prostate, or Rectal Examination by Health Care Practitioner

Section 1-222 - Prohibition Against Concurrent Service on Boards and Advisory Committees

Section 1-223 - Limits on Prescribing Opioids

Section 1-224 - Tip Line

Section 1-225 - Completion of Implicit Bias Training Program by Applicants -- Effective Date of Requirements

Section 1-226 - Race and Ethnicity Information Option Included on Application Form -- Encouragement to Provide