Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 2 - Local Personnel
Section 1-206 - Local Government to Adopt Telework Program

(a)    In this section, “telework” means to work at a location other than a traditional office setting or an employee’s usual and customary worksite, including:
        (1)    the employee’s home;
        (2)    a satellite office; and
        (3)    a telework center.
    (b)    This section applies to:
        (1)    all employees of a governmental entity of a county or a municipality; and
        (2)    all governmental entities of a county or a municipality.
    (c)    Each governing body, or the governing body’s designee, shall:
        (1)    establish a countywide or municipality–wide telework program; and
        (2)    adopt a countywide or municipality–wide telework policy and telework guidelines.
    (d)    (1)    The head of a governmental entity of a county or municipality may designate the positions for which an employee would be eligible to telework.
        (2)    Each governmental entity of a county or municipality, in its discretion, may maximize the number of eligible employees participating in a countywide or municipality–wide telework program established under subsection (c) of this section.