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21-A §601. Ballot preparation - §601. Ballot preparation The Secretary of State shall prepare the...
21-A §601-A. Presidential preference primary ballot (REPEALED) - §601-A. Presidential preference primary ballot (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1987,...
21-A §602. General election ballot (REPEALED) - §602. General election ballot (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985, c....
21-A §603. Sample ballots - §603. Sample ballots Sample ballots are governed by the following...
21-A §604. Emergency ballot procedure - §604. Emergency ballot procedure In an emergency as described in...
21-A §604-A. Flexibility for combining election ballots - §604-A. Flexibility for combining election ballots Notwithstanding any other provision...
21-A §605. Instructions (REPEALED) - §605. Instructions (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985, c. 161, §6...
21-A §605-A. Instructions - §605-A. Instructions 1. For election officials. The Secretary of State...
21-A §606. Official ballots - §606. Official ballots The Secretary of State shall furnish each...
21-A §606-A. Special provisions for out-of-district voters - §606-A. Special provisions for out-of-district voters A voter who registers...
21-A §607. Official ballot box - §607. Official ballot box An official ballot box is governed...
21-A §608. Field examiner - §608. Field examiner The Secretary of State may appoint a...
21-A §609. Ballot security materials - §609. Ballot security materials The Secretary of State shall furnish...
21-A §610. Election transparency - §610. Election transparency 1. Guide to election procedures and training...
21-A §621. Announcing an election (REPEALED) - §621. Announcing an election (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985, c....
21-A §621-A. Announcing an election - §621-A. Announcing an election The Secretary of State shall send...
21-A §622. Warrant (REPEALED) - §622. Warrant (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985, c. 161, §6...
21-A §622-A. Notice of election - §622-A. Notice of election The notice of election must contain...
21-A §623. Officer's return on warrant (REPEALED) - §623. Officer's return on warrant (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985,...
21-A §624. Incoming voting lists; voter lists - §624. Incoming voting lists; voter lists 1. Posting of. The...
21-A §625. Posting of sample ballots - §625. Posting of sample ballots At least 7 days before...
21-A §626. Polling times - §626. Polling times The following provisions apply to polling times...
21-A §626-A. Voting place report - §626-A. Voting place report The municipal clerk shall file a...
21-A §627. Arrangement of voting place - §627. Arrangement of voting place The arrangement of a voting...
21-A §628. Care and custody of ballot box - §628. Care and custody of ballot box The care and...
21-A §629. Voting booths - §629. Voting booths Voting booths are governed by the following...
21-A §630. Accessible voting places for persons with physical disabilities - §630. Accessible voting places for persons with physical disabilities 1....
21-A §631. Voting districts - §631. Voting districts A municipality may be divided into voting...
21-A §631-A. Voting places - §631-A. Voting places 1. Establishing suitable voting places. If the...
21-A §632. Separate voting places; reimbursement of election expense - §632. Separate voting places; reimbursement of election expense 1. Voting...
21-A §633. Election expenses - §633. Election expenses Except for the added expenses incurred by...
21-A §641. Short title (REPEALED) - §641. Short title (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY IB 1995, c. 2,...
21-A §642. Definitions (REPEALED) - §642. Definitions (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY IB 1995, c. 2, §1...
21-A §643. Ballot for incumbent Legislator (REPEALED) - §643. Ballot for incumbent Legislator (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY IB 1995,...
21-A §644. Ballot for incumbent Governor (REPEALED) - §644. Ballot for incumbent Governor (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY IB 1995,...
21-A §645. Ballot for incumbent members of Congress (REPEALED) - §645. Ballot for incumbent members of Congress (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY...
21-A §646. Pledge to support term limits (REPEALED) - §646. Pledge to support term limits (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY IB...
Article 1: MATERIALS
21-A §651. Furnishing and distribution - §651. Furnishing and distribution The following procedure shall be observed...
21-A §652. Certified incoming voting list and official ballot box - §652. Certified incoming voting list and official ballot box The...
21-A §661. Registrar - §661. Registrar The registrar shall hold office hours as long...
21-A §662. Warden - §662. Warden A warden has the following powers and duties....
21-A §663. Authority of Secretary of State during emergencies - §663. Authority of Secretary of State during emergencies The Secretary...
21-A §671. Voting procedure - §671. Voting procedure (CONTAINS TEXT WITH VARYING EFFECTIVE DATES) The...
21-A §672. Assistance - §672. Assistance A voter who is unable to read or...
21-A §673. Challenges - §673. Challenges A voter of a municipality or an election...
21-A §674. Violations and penalties - §674. Violations and penalties 1. Class E crime. A person...
21-A §675. Reports of threats or harassment - §675. Reports of threats or harassment 1. Reporting of threats...
21-A §681. Positions at polling place - §681. Positions at polling place The guardrail area is governed...
21-A §682. Political activities - §682. Political activities Certain activities are prohibited on election day....
21-A §691. Marking ballots; primary election - §691. Marking ballots; primary election A voter shall mark the...
21-A §692. General election - §692. General election A voter shall mark the ballot at...
21-A §693. Spoiled ballots - §693. Spoiled ballots If a voter spoils a ballot, the...
21-A §694. Voting list signed (REPEALED) - §694. Voting list signed (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985, c....
21-A §695. Counting of ballots - §695. Counting of ballots Except for elections determined by ranked-choice...
21-A §696. Challenged, defective or void ballots - §696. Challenged, defective or void ballots The counting of ballots...
21-A §697. Use of red pens by election officials - §697. Use of red pens by election officials An election...
21-A §698. Packaging and return of ballots and lists - §698. Packaging and return of ballots and lists As soon...
21-A §699. Sealing of ballot container - §699. Sealing of ballot container When a container is required...
21-A §700. Posting unofficial results - §700. Posting unofficial results As soon as practicable after the...
Article 6: RETURNS
21-A §711. Preparation of returns - §711. Preparation of returns As soon as the results of...
21-A §712. Return not delivered (REPEALED) - §712. Return not delivered (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985, c....
21-A §721. Reports of registration and enrollment (WHOLE SECTION TEXT EFFECTIVE UNTIL 1/01/24) - §721. Reports of registration and enrollment (CONTAINS TEXT WITH VARYING...
21-A §721. Reports of registration and enrollment (WHOLE SECTION TEXT EFFECTIVE 1/01/24) - §721. Reports of registration and enrollment (CONTAINS TEXT WITH VARYING...
21-A §722. Secretary of State to tabulate and print results - §722. Secretary of State to tabulate and print results Within...
21-A §722-A. Determination of declared write-in candidate - §722-A. Determination of declared write-in candidate To be considered a...
21-A §723. Determination of election - §723. Determination of election The determination of an election or...
21-A §723-A. Determination of winner in election for an office elected by ranked-choice voting - §723-A. Determination of winner in election for an office elected...
21-A §724. Election certificate issued - §724. Election certificate issued Within a reasonable time after an...
21-A §724-A. Written notice to Legislature - §724-A. Written notice to Legislature At the time the Governor...
21-A §725. Commencement of term of office - §725. Commencement of term of office County officials elected at...
21-A §726. Post-election audits - §726. Post-election audits 1. Definition. For purposes of this section,...
Article 2: TIE VOTES
21-A §731. Tie defined - §731. Tie defined There is a tie vote when 2...
21-A §732. Procedure - §732. Procedure When there is a tie vote, the following...
21-A §736. Candidate's inspection of ballots and incoming voting list (REPEALED) - §736. Candidate's inspection of ballots and incoming voting list (REPEALED)...
21-A §737. Recount (REPEALED) - §737. Recount (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985, c. 161, §6...
21-A §737-A. Recount - §737-A. Recount Once a recount is requested for an election...
21-A §738. Statewide referendum ballots - §738. Statewide referendum ballots Except as provided by this section,...
21-A §739. Ballots and incoming voting lists available for inspection - §739. Ballots and incoming voting lists available for inspection On...
21-A §741. Jurisdiction (REPEALED) - §741. Jurisdiction (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985, c. 161, §6...
21-A §742. Appeal to commission (REPEALED) - §742. Appeal to commission (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985, c....
21-A §743. Investigations (REPEALED) - §743. Investigations (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985, c. 161, §6...
21-A §744. Procedure (REPEALED) - §744. Procedure (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985, c. 161, §6...
21-A §745. Questions of law (REPEALED) - §745. Questions of law (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985, c....
21-A §746. Judicial determination of disputed county office (REPEALED) - §746. Judicial determination of disputed county office (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY...
21-A §751. Proper at any election - §751. Proper at any election Absentee ballots may be cast...
21-A §752. Materials furnished - §752. Materials furnished (CONTAINS TEXT WITH VARYING EFFECTIVE DATES) At...
21-A §752-A. Federal absentee ballot - §752-A. Federal absentee ballot The federal write-in absentee ballot may...
21-A §752-B. Secured drop boxes for the return of absentee ballots - §752-B. Secured drop boxes for the return of absentee ballots...
21-A §753. Procedure for obtaining (REPEALED) - §753. Procedure for obtaining (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985, c....
21-A §753-A. Procedure for requesting an absentee ballot - §753-A. Procedure for requesting an absentee ballot (CONTAINS TEXT WITH...
21-A §753-B. Procedure for issuing absentee ballot - §753-B. Procedure for issuing absentee ballot (CONTAINS TEXT WITH VARYING...
21-A §753-C. Absentee ballots for program participants in Address Confidentiality Program - §753-C. Absentee ballots for program participants in Address Confidentiality Program...
21-A §754. Method of voting (REPEALED) - §754. Method of voting (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985, c....
21-A §754-A. Method of voting - §754-A. Method of voting Except as provided in section 753‑B,...
21-A §755. Deadline - §755. Deadline In order to be valid, an absentee ballot...
21-A §756. Procedure on receipt - §756. Procedure on receipt When the clerk receives a return...
21-A §756-A. Procedures for curing absentee ballot return envelope defects - §756-A. Procedures for curing absentee ballot return envelope defects 1....
21-A §757. Challenges - §757. Challenges An absentee ballot may be challenged the same...
21-A §758. Personal vote required when possible (REPEALED) - §758. Personal vote required when possible (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL...
21-A §759. Counting procedure - §759. Counting procedure The following counting procedure must be observed...
21-A §760. Procedures when counting to be by the clerk (REPEALED) - §760. Procedures when counting to be by the clerk (REPEALED)...
21-A §760-A. Procedures when clerk processes absentee ballots centrally - §760-A. Procedures when clerk processes absentee ballots centrally The clerk...
21-A §760-B. Procedures when clerk processes absentee ballots prior to election day - §760-B. Procedures when clerk processes absentee ballots prior to election...
21-A §761. Deceased voter; ballot rejected (REPEALED) - §761. Deceased voter; ballot rejected (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985,...
21-A §762. Irregularities disregarded - §762. Irregularities disregarded An absentee ballot may not be rejected...
21-A §763. Return of election materials - §763. Return of election materials As soon as the ballots...
21-A §764. Applications and envelopes as public records - §764. Applications and envelopes as public records Absentee ballot applications...
21-A §765. Absentee ballot tracking - §765. Absentee ballot tracking The Secretary of State shall establish...
21-A §776. Applicability of provisions - §776. Applicability of provisions This article applies to uniformed service...
21-A §777. Methods of registration and enrollment (REPEALED) - §777. Methods of registration and enrollment (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL...
21-A §777-A. Registration and enrollment - §777-A. Registration and enrollment Notwithstanding the registration deadline in section...
21-A §778. Duty of registrar - §778. Duty of registrar On receipt of an application under...
21-A §779. Name may be added at any time (REPEALED) - §779. Name may be added at any time (REPEALED) SECTION...
21-A §780. Absentee ballots; application - §780. Absentee ballots; application A uniformed service voter or an...
21-A §780-A. Use of blank write-in absentee ballot - §780-A. Use of blank write-in absentee ballot Prior to the...
21-A §781. Absentee ballots; procedure on receipt (REPEALED) - §781. Absentee ballots; procedure on receipt (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL...
21-A §781-A. Absentee ballot application; procedure on receipt - §781-A. Absentee ballot application; procedure on receipt Notwithstanding the absentee...
21-A §782. Absentee ballots; procedure on return - §782. Absentee ballots; procedure on return On receipt of a...
21-A §783. Authority of Secretary of State - §783. Authority of Secretary of State The Secretary of State...
21-A §791. Violations and penalties - §791. Violations and penalties 1. Class E crime. The commission...
21-A §801. Election - §801. Election In a presidential election year, the presidential electors...
21-A §802. Representation - §802. Representation One presidential elector shall be chosen from each...
21-A §803. Duties of Governor - §803. Duties of Governor As soon as possible after the...
21-A §804. Meeting in convention - §804. Meeting in convention The presidential electors shall convene in...
21-A §805. Convention duties - §805. Convention duties The duties of the presidential electors in...
21-A §806. Compensation of electors and employees - §806. Compensation of electors and employees The presidential electors shall...
Subchapter 6: VOTING DEVICES
21-A §808. Definitions - §808. Definitions As used in this subchapter, unless the context...
21-A §809. Approval of voting devices - §809. Approval of voting devices 1. Rules. The Secretary of...
21-A §809-A. Certain electronic connections and Internet voting prohibited - §809-A. Certain electronic connections and Internet voting prohibited 1. Electronic...
21-A §810. Approval of voting devices (REPEALED) - §810. Approval of voting devices (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1987,...
21-A §811. Obtaining and using - §811. Obtaining and using A municipality may obtain and use...
21-A §812. Requirements for machines - §812. Requirements for machines A voting machine used in the...
21-A §812-A. Accessible voting system - §812-A. Accessible voting system 1. Accessible voting system at each...
21-A §813. Rules on use - §813. Rules on use The Secretary of State may make...
21-A §814. Custody - §814. Custody The municipal clerk has custody of a voting...
21-A §815. Expense of storage and maintenance - §815. Expense of storage and maintenance The municipality shall pay...
21-A §816. Operating instructions - §816. Operating instructions The clerk must hold a meeting before...
21-A §817. Ballot labels - §817. Ballot labels The Secretary of State shall furnish the...
21-A §817-A. Test of voting machines - §817-A. Test of voting machines The clerk shall test the...
21-A §818. Arrangement of voting place - §818. Arrangement of voting place The municipal officers shall arrange...
21-A §819. Secrecy preserved (REPEALED) - §819. Secrecy preserved (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985, c. 161,...
21-A §820. Warden to post specimen ballots or labels (REPEALED) - §820. Warden to post specimen ballots or labels (REPEALED) SECTION...
21-A §821. Delivery - §821. Delivery The municipal clerk shall perform the following duties...
21-A §822. Preparation for voting - §822. Preparation for voting When it is time for the...
21-A §823. Directions for voting - §823. Directions for voting A voter must follow the same...
21-A §824. Challenge of right to vote - §824. Challenge of right to vote A voter who is...
21-A §825. Activation of machines - §825. Activation of machines The voting machines shall be activated...
21-A §826. Procedure for tabulating votes - §826. Procedure for tabulating votes The following regulations outline the...
21-A §827. Procedure after election - §827. Procedure after election The following procedure shall be observed...
21-A §828. Security for keys - §828. Security for keys The municipal clerk shall keep the...
21-A §829. Violation and penalty - §829. Violation and penalty 1. Altering voting machine. A person...
21-A §830. Application of provisions to voting by machine - §830. Application of provisions to voting by machine The provisions...
21-A §841. Definitions (REPEALED) - §841. Definitions (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985, c. 161, §6...
21-A §842. Obtaining and using - §842. Obtaining and using A municipality may obtain and use...
21-A §843. Requirements for devices - §843. Requirements for devices An electronic tabulating system purchased or...
21-A §844. Regulations of Secretary of State - §844. Regulations of Secretary of State The Secretary of State...
21-A §845. Custody - §845. Custody The municipal clerk has custody of voting devices...
21-A §846. Expense of storage and maintenance - §846. Expense of storage and maintenance The municipality shall pay...
21-A §847. Operating instructions - §847. Operating instructions The clerk must hold a meeting before...
21-A §848. Ballot format for electronic tabulating systems - §848. Ballot format for electronic tabulating systems The Secretary of...
21-A §849. Arrangement of voting place - §849. Arrangement of voting place The municipal officers shall arrange...
21-A §850. Secrecy preserved - §850. Secrecy preserved The warden at each voting place may...
21-A §851. Preparation for elections - §851. Preparation for elections The municipal clerk shall perform the...
21-A §852. Procedure at the polling place - §852. Procedure at the polling place The following governs the...
21-A §853. Delivery of ballots or ballot cards to the counting center (REPEALED) - §853. Delivery of ballots or ballot cards to the counting...
21-A §854. Test of electronic tabulating equipment - §854. Test of electronic tabulating equipment The clerk shall have...
21-A §855. Proceedings at the counting center (REPEALED) - §855. Proceedings at the counting center (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL...
21-A §855-A. Proceedings after the close of the polls (REPEALED) - §855-A. Proceedings after the close of the polls (REPEALED) SECTION...
21-A §856. Official returns - §856. Official returns Copies of the election results must be...
21-A §857. Manual counting authorized - §857. Manual counting authorized If for any reason it becomes...
21-A §858. Absentee votes (REPEALED) - §858. Absentee votes (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985, c. 161,...
21-A §858-A. Counting procedure for absentee ballots - §858-A. Counting procedure for absentee ballots The procedure for processing...
21-A §859. Recounts (REPEALED) - §859. Recounts (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985, c. 161, §6...
21-A §860. Violation and penalty - §860. Violation and penalty 1. Tampering with voting device. Before,...
21-A §861. Application of provisions to voting by electronic voting system - §861. Application of provisions to voting by electronic voting system...
21-A §862. Punch card voting systems (REPEALED) - §862. Punch card voting systems (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1995,...