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21-A §751. Proper at any election - §751. Proper at any election Absentee ballots may be cast...
21-A §752. Materials furnished - §752. Materials furnished (CONTAINS TEXT WITH VARYING EFFECTIVE DATES) At...
21-A §752-A. Federal absentee ballot - §752-A. Federal absentee ballot The federal write-in absentee ballot may...
21-A §752-B. Secured drop boxes for the return of absentee ballots - §752-B. Secured drop boxes for the return of absentee ballots...
21-A §753. Procedure for obtaining (REPEALED) - §753. Procedure for obtaining (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985, c....
21-A §753-A. Procedure for requesting an absentee ballot - §753-A. Procedure for requesting an absentee ballot (CONTAINS TEXT WITH...
21-A §753-B. Procedure for issuing absentee ballot - §753-B. Procedure for issuing absentee ballot (CONTAINS TEXT WITH VARYING...
21-A §753-C. Absentee ballots for program participants in Address Confidentiality Program - §753-C. Absentee ballots for program participants in Address Confidentiality Program...
21-A §754. Method of voting (REPEALED) - §754. Method of voting (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985, c....
21-A §754-A. Method of voting - §754-A. Method of voting Except as provided in section 753‑B,...
21-A §755. Deadline - §755. Deadline In order to be valid, an absentee ballot...
21-A §756. Procedure on receipt - §756. Procedure on receipt When the clerk receives a return...
21-A §756-A. Procedures for curing absentee ballot return envelope defects - §756-A. Procedures for curing absentee ballot return envelope defects 1....
21-A §757. Challenges - §757. Challenges An absentee ballot may be challenged the same...
21-A §758. Personal vote required when possible (REPEALED) - §758. Personal vote required when possible (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL...
21-A §759. Counting procedure - §759. Counting procedure The following counting procedure must be observed...
21-A §760. Procedures when counting to be by the clerk (REPEALED) - §760. Procedures when counting to be by the clerk (REPEALED)...
21-A §760-A. Procedures when clerk processes absentee ballots centrally - §760-A. Procedures when clerk processes absentee ballots centrally The clerk...
21-A §760-B. Procedures when clerk processes absentee ballots prior to election day - §760-B. Procedures when clerk processes absentee ballots prior to election...
21-A §761. Deceased voter; ballot rejected (REPEALED) - §761. Deceased voter; ballot rejected (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985,...
21-A §762. Irregularities disregarded - §762. Irregularities disregarded An absentee ballot may not be rejected...
21-A §763. Return of election materials - §763. Return of election materials As soon as the ballots...
21-A §764. Applications and envelopes as public records - §764. Applications and envelopes as public records Absentee ballot applications...
21-A §765. Absentee ballot tracking - §765. Absentee ballot tracking The Secretary of State shall establish...