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24 §2901. Ad damnum clause - §2901. Ad damnum clause No dollar amount or figure shall...
24 §2902. Statute of limitations for health care providers and health care practitioners excluding claims based on sexual acts - §2902. Statute of limitations for health care providers and health...
24 §2902-A. Motorcycle passenger exclusion (REALLOCATED TO TITLE 24-A, SECTION 2902-B) - §2902-A. Motorcycle passenger exclusion (REALLOCATED TO TITLE 24-A, SECTION 2902-B)...
24 §2902-B. Statute of limitations for mental health professionals for claims based on sexual acts (REPEALED) - §2902-B. Statute of limitations for mental health professionals for claims...
24 §2903. Notice of claim before suit - §2903. Notice of claim before suit 1. Commencement of action....
24 §2903-A. Notice of expert witnesses (REPEALED) - §2903-A. Notice of expert witnesses (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1985,...
24 §2904. Immunity from civil liability for volunteer activities - §2904. Immunity from civil liability for volunteer activities 1. Health...
24 §2905. Informed consent to health care treatment - §2905. Informed consent to health care treatment 1. Disallowance of...
24 §2905-A. Informed consent for breast cancer - §2905-A. Informed consent for breast cancer 1. Duty of physician....
24 §2905-B. Informed consent for pelvic, rectal or prostate examination - §2905-B. Informed consent for pelvic, rectal or prostate examination A...
24 §2906. Collateral sources - §2906. Collateral sources 1. Definitions. As used in this section,...
24 §2907. Communications of sympathy or benevolence - §2907. Communications of sympathy or benevolence 1. Definitions. As used...