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24 §2851. Purpose and definitions - §2851. Purpose and definitions 1. Purpose. The purpose of mandatory...
24 §2852. Formation and procedure - §2852. Formation and procedure 1. Creation of panel lists. The...
24 §2853. Submission of claims - §2853. Submission of claims 1. Notice of claim. A person...
24 §2854. Hearing - §2854. Hearing 1. Procedure. The claimant or a representative of...
24 §2855. Findings by panel - §2855. Findings by panel 1. Negligence and causation. At the...
24 §2856. Notification and effect of findings - §2856. Notification and effect of findings The panel's findings, signed...
24 §2857. Confidentiality and admissibility - §2857. Confidentiality and admissibility 1. Proceedings before panel confidential. Except...
24 §2858. Effect of findings by panel - §2858. Effect of findings by panel A unanimous finding by...
24 §2859. Statute of limitations - §2859. Statute of limitations The applicable statute of limitations concerning...