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17 §1021. Possession of animals - §1021. Possession of animals 1. Possession. A state veterinarian, humane...
17 §1022. Prevention of cruelty - §1022. Prevention of cruelty The commissioner, a humane agent, a...
17 §1023. Investigation and reporting of cruelty - §1023. Investigation and reporting of cruelty 1. Investigations; reports. Law...
17 §1024. Impeding the performance of an officer - §1024. Impeding the performance of an officer It is unlawful...
17 §1025. Handling of animals seized or held - §1025. Handling of animals seized or held 1. Handling of...
17 §1026. Penalty for violation - §1026. Penalty for violation Any person found in violation of...
17 §1027. Security for seizure and impoundment of animals relating to cruelty to animals or animal fighting - §1027. Security for seizure and impoundment of animals relating to...