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30-A §3401. Preexisting drains - §3401. Preexisting drains All drains previously made at a municipality's...
30-A §3402. Construction of drains; expense and control; notice; damages - §3402. Construction of drains; expense and control; notice; damages 1....
30-A §3403. Proper maintenance of drains required - §3403. Proper maintenance of drains required After a public drain...
30-A §3404. Record of proceedings; prosecutions - §3404. Record of proceedings; prosecutions All proceedings of municipal officers...
30-A §3405. Sewer connections - §3405. Sewer connections If required by municipal ordinance, the owner...
30-A §3406. Service charges for sewage or storm water disposal - §3406. Service charges for sewage or storm water disposal The...
30-A §3406-A. Landlord access to tenant bill payment information - §3406-A. Landlord access to tenant bill payment information If a...
30-A §3407. Damage to public drains - §3407. Damage to public drains Whoever willfully or negligently damages...
30-A §3408. Crossing railroad right-of-way - §3408. Crossing railroad right-of-way Whenever a public drain or sewer...
30-A §3409. Consent for highway opening - §3409. Consent for highway opening Whoever digs up the ground...
Subchapter 2: PRIVATE DRAINS
30-A §3421. Private drains connected to public drains - §3421. Private drains connected to public drains 1. Acceptance by...
30-A §3422. Connection of private drains; permits; regulations - §3422. Connection of private drains; permits; regulations 1. Connection of...
30-A §3423. Connection without permit - §3423. Connection without permit If any person connects a private...
30-A §3424. Adjustment of amounts paid for permits - §3424. Adjustment of amounts paid for permits 1. Arbitration of...
30-A §3425. Pro rata payments for use of private drain - §3425. Pro rata payments for use of private drain 1....
30-A §3426. Repair of private drain on owner's neglect - §3426. Repair of private drain on owner's neglect If a...
30-A §3427. Violation of permit; nuisances - §3427. Violation of permit; nuisances If any person willfully or...
30-A §3428. Malfunctioning domestic waste water disposal units; abatement of nuisance - §3428. Malfunctioning domestic waste water disposal units; abatement of nuisance...
30-A §3441. Applicability of provisions - §3441. Applicability of provisions This subchapter does not apply to...
30-A §3442. Expense of construction - §3442. Expense of construction 1. Sewer district defined. As used...
30-A §3443. Arbitration of assessment - §3443. Arbitration of assessment Any person who is dissatisfied with...
30-A §3444. Collection of assessments - §3444. Collection of assessments Except for service charges established under...
30-A §3445. Lien for payment on lot and building; enforcement - §3445. Lien for payment on lot and building; enforcement When...
30-A §3446. Impact fees and connection fees; affordable housing - §3446. Impact fees and connection fees; affordable housing The municipal...