Maine Revised Statutes
36 §803. Sheriff's duty in respect to warrant; alias warrant

§803. Sheriff's duty in respect to warrant; alias warrant
On each execution or warrant of distress issued in accordance with sections 891 and 895, and delivered to a sheriff or his deputy, he shall make return of his doings to such treasurer, with such money, if any, that he has received by virtue thereof. If he neglects to comply with any direction of such warrant or execution, he shall pay the whole sum mentioned therein. When it is returned unsatisfied, or satisfied in part only, such treasurer may issue an alias for the sum remaining due on the return of the first; and so on, as often as occasion occurs.  
An officer executing an alias warrant against a delinquent tax collector may arrest the tax collector and proceed as on execution for debt. Such delinquent tax collector shall have the same rights and privileges as a debtor arrested or committed on execution in favor of a private creditor.