Maine Revised Statutes
36 §1506. Rulemaking

§1506. Rulemaking
After consultation with the Commissioner of Marine Resources, the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and the Director of the Division of Licensing , Registration and Engineering within the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, the State Tax Assessor may adopt rules and establish forms and procedures as necessary for the efficient administration and enforcement of the excise tax imposed by this chapter. Rules adopted pursuant to this section are routine technical rules for the purposes of Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2‑A.   [PL 2009, c. 496, §13 (AMD).]
Revisor's Note: The 1983 repealer was removed by Proclamation of the Governor on November 26, 1984. This section remains in effect and is not affected by the repealed 1983 laws.
PL 1983, c. 92, §B9 (NEW). PL 1983, c. 632, §§B6,B7 (RP). PL 1983, c. 819, §A60 (AMD). PL 1985, c. 726, §9 (AMD). PL 1987, c. 196, §10 (AMD). PL 1997, c. 526, §14 (AMD). PL 2009, c. 496, §13 (AMD).