Maine Revised Statutes
21-A §314. Challenges

§314. Challenges
An enrolled voter of a municipality may challenge the right of another to vote at a municipal caucus. The person challenged may vote at the caucus after that person has taken the following oath administered by the chair of the caucus.   [RR 2019, c. 2, Pt. B, §39 (COR).]
1.  Oath.  "I, (name of challenged person), swear that I am a registered and enrolled voter in this voting district, that I am a member of the party holding this caucus, and that I have not been enrolled in any other party in this municipality within the last 15 days."  
[PL 1993, c. 695, §21 (AMD).]
2.  Oath recorded and copy sent to registrar.  The secretary of the caucus shall record the administration of the oath and shall send a copy of the record to the registrar.  
[PL 1985, c. 161, §6 (NEW).]
3.  Registrar to compare records.  On receipt of the copy of the record, the registrar shall compare it with the voting and enrollment records. If the oath is false, the person who swore to it is guilty of a Class E crime.  
[PL 1985, c. 161, §6 (NEW).]
PL 1985, c. 161, §6 (NEW). PL 1993, c. 695, §21 (AMD). RR 2019, c. 2, Pt. B, §39 (COR).