Maine Revised Statutes
21-A §1206-A. Reapportionment of state legislative districts

§1206-A. Reapportionment of state legislative districts
The state legislative districts established in this chapter must be reapportioned pursuant to the Constitution of Maine, Article IV, Part First, Section 2; Article IV, Part Second, Section 2; Article IV, Part Third, Section 1-A; and this section. When reapportioning districts, where possible, the Legislative Apportionment Commission shall attempt to form functionally contiguous and compact territories. For purposes of this section, a "functionally contiguous and compact territory" is one that facilitates representation by minimizing impediments to travel within the district. Impediments to travel include, but are not limited to, physical features such as mountains, rivers, oceans and discontinued roads or lack of roads. The commission shall recognize that all political subdivision boundaries are not of equal importance and give weight to the interests of local communities when making district boundary decisions.   [PL 1995, c. 360, §2 (NEW).]
When the Supreme Judicial Court is required to make the apportionment, it is bound by this section.   [PL 1995, c. 360, §2 (NEW).]
PL 1995, c. 360, §2 (NEW).