Kentucky Revised Statutes
Subtitle 304.2 - Insurance Commissioner
304.2-290 Examination expense.

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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes

Kentucky Revised Statutes

Subtitle 304.2 - Insurance Commissioner

304.2-010 Department of Insurance continued.

304.2-015 Renumbered as KRS 198B.035.

304.2-020 Commissioner of insurance -- Appointment, term -- Divisions within department.

304.2-030 Commissioner's oath -- Bond.

304.2-040 Official seal.

304.2-050 Documents under seal.

304.2-060 Appointment of deputies.

304.2-063 Ombudsman in Division of Consumer Protection.

304.2-065 Early warning analyst.

304.2-070 Independent technical, professional services.

304.2-080 Prohibited interest, rewards.

304.2-090 Delegation of powers.

304.2-100 General powers and duties of commissioner.

304.2-105 Commissioner's authority to extend in-state insurance activity to match that of federally regulated financial institutions.

304.2-110 Rules and regulations.

304.2-120 Orders and notices in general -- Service.

304.2-130 Enforcement.

304.2-140 Penalties for violations.

304.2-150 Records -- Inspection -- Destruction -- Subject to Open Records Act.

304.2-155 Repealed, 1994.

304.2-160 Complaints.

304.2-165 Complaints regarding insurer -- Other authority of commissioner.

304.2-170 Official documents, reproductions, and certified copies -- Use as evidence.

304.2-180 Repealed, 1982.

304.2-190 Publications -- Sale.

304.2-195 Interstate compacts for issuing certificates of authority.

304.2-200 Interstate cooperation.

304.2-205 Annual statement convention blank -- Immunity from prosecution.

304.2-210 Examination of insurers.

304.2-220 Examination of holding companies, subsidiaries, agents, promoters, and others.

304.2-230 Conduct of examination -- Immunity for examiners or analysts -- Access to records -- Corrections -- Penalty.

304.2-240 Appraisal of asset.

304.2-250 Examination reports -- Contents -- Prima facie evidence in certain proceedings -- Confidentiality.

304.2-260 Examination reports -- Distribution -- Hearing -- Order of commissioner -- Confidentiality -- Public inspection -- Regulatory action.

304.2-270 Examination report of domestic insurer -- Confidential nature -- Limited disclosure.

304.2-280 Examiners -- Qualifications.

304.2-290 Examination expense.

304.2-300 Examination expense revolving fund.

304.2-310 Administrative procedures -- Hearings.

304.2-320 Notice of hearing.

304.2-330 Repealed, 1996.

304.2-340 Witnesses and evidence.

304.2-350 Testimony compelled -- Immunity from prosecution.

304.2-360 Order on hearing.

304.2-370 Appeal from the commissioner.

304.2-380 Repealed, 1980.

304.2-390 Repealed, 1986.

304.2-400 Insurance regulatory trust fund -- Use.

304.2-410 Investment of insurance regulatory trust fund.

304.2-420 Transfer of funds to insurance regulatory trust fund to cover deficiency.

304.2-430 Payment of expenses of department from general fund -- Reimbursement.

304.2-440 Assessment of insurers.