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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes
Subtitle 304.17A - Health Benefit Plans
304.17A-005 Definitions for subtitle.
304.17A-0952 Premium rate guidelines for individual, small group, and association plans.
304.17A-0954 Premium rate guidelines for employer-organized association plans.
304.17A-097 Disclosure of coverage levels in basic health benefit plan.
304.17A-131 Coverage for cochlear implants.
304.17A-132 Coverage for hearing aids.
304.17A-133 Coverage for mammograms.
304.17A-135 Coverage for treatment of breast cancer.
304.17A-136 Coverage for cancer clinical trials.
304.17A-140 Coverage applicable to children to include legally-adopted children.
304.17A-144 Liaison for autism spectrum disorders treatment benefits.
304.17A-146 Coverage for registered nurse first assistant.
304.17A-148 Coverage for diabetes -- Cap on cost-sharing requirements for insulin.
304.17A-150 Unfair trade practices -- Penalties.
304.17A-155 Prohibition against denial of coverage to victims of domestic violence.
304.17A-161 Definitions for KRS 304.17A-161, 304.17A-162, 304.17A-163, and 304.17A-165.
304.17A-168 Coverage for tobacco cessation medications and services. (Effective January 1, 2023).
304.17A-170 Definitions for KRS 304.17A-170 and 304.17A-171.
304.17A-171 Requirements for health benefit plans that include chiropractic benefits.
304.17A-220 Pre-existing condition exclusion in group coverage -- Definitions for section.
304.17A-240 Renewal or continuation -- Ground for nonrenewal, cancellation, or discontinuance.
304.17A-243 Grace period for unpaid premiums.
304.17A-245 Required notice of cancellation -- Procedure -- Refund of unearned premium.
304.17A-254 Duties of insurer offering health benefit plan.
304.17A-256 Options for dependent coverage under group health benefit plans -- Disclaimer.
304.17A-259 Coverage under health benefit plan for genetic test for cancer risk.
304.17A-270 Nondiscrimination against provider in geographic coverage area.
304.17A-310 Financial solvency requirements for network.
304.17A-320 Certificate of filing for employer-organized association -- Effect -- Revocation.
304.17A-330 Health insurance reporting requirements -- Exemption.
304.17A-340 Restrictions on use of Kentucky Children's Health Insurance Program allocated funds.
304.17A-410 Definitions for KRS 304.17A-400 to 304.17A-480.
304.17A-420 Repealed, 2000.
304.17A-430 Criteria for program plan -- Alternative underwriting.
304.17A-450 Cost-containment feature requirement for program plans.
304.17A-500 Definitions for KRS 304.17A-500 to 304.17A-590.
304.17A-505 Disclosure of terms and conditions of health benefit plan -- Filing with department.
304.17A-510 Notification by insurer offering managed care plans of availability of printed document.
304.17A-515 Requirements for managed care plan.
304.17A-520 Enrollee choice of primary care providers.
304.17A-532 Prohibition against contract requiring mandatory use of hospitalist.
304.17A-540 Disclosure of limitations on coverage -- Denial letter.
304.17A-550 Out-of-network benefits.
304.17A-560 Most-favored-nation provision.
304.17A-565 Commissioner to enforce KRS 304.17A-500 to 304.17A-570 -- Administrative regulations.
304.17A-575 Definitions for KRS 304.17A-575 to 304.17A-577.
304.17A-578 Renumbered as KRS 304.17A-235.
304.17A-590 Participating provider directories.
304.17A-600 Definitions for KRS 304.17A-600 to 304.17A-633. (Effective until January 1, 2023).
304.17A-600 Definitions for KRS 304.17A-600 to 304.17A-633. (Effective January 1, 2023).
304.17A-615 Prohibition against denying or reducing payments under certain circumstances.
304.17A-621 Independent External Review Program established.
304.17A-627 Certification as independent review entity -- Requirements and restrictions.
304.17A-631 Time for insurers to comply with administrative regulations.
304.17A-640 Definitions for KRS 304.17A-640 et seq.
304.17A-643 Treatment of covered person under special circumstances.
304.17A-645 Covered person's access to participating nonprimary care physician specialist.
304.17A-649 Administrative regulations for the implementation of KRS 304.17A-640 et seq.
304.17A-660 Definitions for KRS 304.17A-660 to 304.17A-669.
304.17A-702 Claims payment time frames -- Duties of insurer.
304.17A-705 Electronic claims submission.
304.17A-706 Contested claims -- Delay of payment -- Conditions -- Procedure.
304.17A-708 Resolution of payment errors -- Retroactive denial of claims -- Conditions.
304.17A-710 Disclosure of claims payment information to provider.
304.17A-712 Claim refunds and overpayments.
304.17A-714 Collection of claim overpayments -- Dispute resolution.
304.17A-718 Disclosure of claims payment information to covered person.
304.17A-722 Administrative regulations on claims payment practices.
304.17A-730 Payment of interest for failing to pay, denying, or settling a clean claim as required.
304.17A-732 Annual reports on providers prescribing medication for addiction treatment.
304.17A-740 Definitions for KRS 304.17A-740 to 304.17A-743.
304.17A-741 Audit of pharmacy records -- Conditions.
304.17A-743 Pharmacy audit appeals process.
304.17A-750 Definitions for KRS 304.17A-750 to 304.17A-770 and 304.47-020.
304.17A-756 Denial, suspension, and revocation of application or license -- Civil penalty.
304.17A-760 Duties and powers of insurance purchasing outlet.
304.17A-764 Determination of premiums -- Restrictions in calculation.
304.17A-770 Provisions applicable to insurance purchasing outlets.
304.17A-800 Purpose of KRS 304.17A-800 to 304.17A-844.
304.17A-802 Definitions for KRS 304.17A-800 to 304.17A-844.
304.17A-806 Certificate of filing required.
304.17A-808 Application for certificate of filing -- Fee.
304.17A-810 Conditions for issuance of certificate of filing.
304.17A-812 Initial and continuing financial solvency requirements.
304.17A-814 Notification of change in information.
304.17A-816 Investment of funds.
304.17A-820 Examination of financial condition, affairs, and management by commissioner.
304.17A-822 Appointment of Secretary of State as attorney to receive legal process.
304.17A-826 Operation of group by board of trustees -- Powers and duties -- Prohibited acts.
304.17A-828 Membership -- Liability on termination of membership, insolvency, or bankruptcy.
304.17A-832 Statement of financial condition -- Authority for administrative regulations.
304.17A-836 Contribution plans to be established.
304.17A-838 Members to receive evidences of coverage -- Contents.
304.17A-840 Suspension or revocation of certificate of filing.
304.17A-842 Authority for administrative regulations.