Kentucky Revised Statutes
Subtitle 286.9 - Deferred Deposit Service Business and Check Cashing
286.9-991 Civil penalty for violation of subtitle.

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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes

Kentucky Revised Statutes

Subtitle 286.9 - Deferred Deposit Service Business and Check Cashing

286.9-010 Definitions for subtitle.

286.9-020 Requirement of license.

286.9-030 Exemptions from applicability of this subtitle.

286.9-035 Deferred deposit transaction agreement with unlicensed person void.

286.9-040 Qualifications for license -- Liability of surety.

286.9-050 Manner of application for license -- Form.

286.9-060 Materials to accompany application -- Investigation fee.

286.9-070 Investigation by department -- Issuance of license -- Posting of license -- License period -- Licensee's duty to notify department -- Transfer or assignment of license -- Abandonment.

286.9-071 Ban on issuance of additional deferred deposit service business licenses.

286.9-072 Compliance with federal and state law required.

286.9-073 Agent for service of process required.

286.9-074 Recordkeeping requirements of licensees.

286.9-075 Complaints filed against licensees -- Investigative powers of commissioner.

286.9-080 Licenses -- Renewal and reinstatement.

286.9-090 Authority to promulgate administrative regulations -- Compliance examination and fee -- Examination, inspection, and confidentiality of records -- Powers of commissioner.

286.9-100 Procedures to be followed by licensees.

286.9-102 Requirements of disclosure by licensees -- Fees and service charges -- Acceptance, payment, and deposit of checks.

286.9-104 Annual reports filed by licensees with commissioner.

286.9-105 Filing reports of federal currency reporting, recordkeeping, and suspicious transaction reporting.

286.9-107 Reports to and use of nationwide licensing system.

286.9-110 Revocation or suspension of license -- Effect of denial, revocation, suspension, expiration, or surrender of license -- Circuit Court remedy.

286.9-120 Administrative complaint -- Hearing for denial, suspension, or revocation of license.

286.9-125 Emergency order suspending, conditioning, limiting, or restricting a license.

286.9-128 Consent order for resolution of matters arising under subtitle.

286.9-130 Stay, suspension, or postponement of order.

286.9-140 Database of outstanding deferred deposit transactions -- Submitting and accessing data.

286.9-990 Penalty for violation of this subtitle.

286.9-991 Civil penalty for violation of subtitle.