Kentucky Revised Statutes
Subtitle 286.5 - Savings and Loan Associations
286.5-071 Corporate existence begins -- When.

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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes

Kentucky Revised Statutes

Subtitle 286.5 - Savings and Loan Associations

286.5-005 Title of law.

286.5-011 Definitions.

286.5-021 Who may incorporate -- Procedure.

286.5-022 Former corporations deemed incorporated under this law -- Effect on rights -- Severability.

286.5-024 Proof by existing association of federal insurance or private insurance meeting minimum standard -- Effect of noncompliance.

286.5-025 Insurance requirement for certificate of incorporation.

286.5-031 Commissioner to investigate -- Objections -- Approval -- Certificate issued -- Filing.

286.5-041 Name of association -- Use of terms in name prohibited -- Injunction.

286.5-051 Office -- Located where -- Change of name or location.

286.5-061 Branch offices -- Limits on establishment.

286.5-071 Corporate existence begins -- When.

286.5-081 General powers of association.

286.5-091 Books and records of association -- Reproductions.

286.5-101 Right to manage property to avoid loss.

286.5-111 Associations exempt from security sale regulations.

286.5-121 Publication of financial statement.

286.5-131 Annual report of association.

286.5-141 Bond of incorporators -- Conditions.

286.5-151 Minimum number of shares of capital stock -- Issuance.

286.5-161 Expense fund created -- Amount -- Repayment.

286.5-171 Reserve fund -- Creation -- Charges -- Credits.

286.5-181 Organization meeting held when.

286.5-191 Forfeiture of charter on failure to commence business.

286.5-201 Annual meetings -- Who may vote -- Quorum.

286.5-211 Board of directors -- Qualifications -- Election -- Vacancies, filled, how.

286.5-221 Bond of officers or employees handling money.

286.5-225 Loan to director, officer, employee, or attorney prohibited -- Exceptions.

286.5-231 Liability of officer or agent for fraud or neglect.

286.5-241 Association interest does not disqualify officer taking acknowledgment.

286.5-251 Acceptance of gratuity for action, a misdemeanor.

286.5-261 Liability of association to members -- Members not liable for losses.

286.5-271 Inspection of books -- Records confidential -- Exception.

286.5-281 Membership, withdrawal, fees -- Fines.

286.5-291 Savings accounts, how held -- Transfers.

286.5-301 Issue of stock on installment basis -- Issuance for loan purposes -- Maximum holding.

286.5-311 Lost or destroyed books, duplicates.

286.5-321 Redemption of savings accounts -- Limitation on claims.

286.5-331 Withdrawal of shares -- Payment for, when made -- Withdrawals by borrowing members.

286.5-341 Enforced withdrawal.

286.5-351 Matured shares.

286.5-361 Payment of withdrawals and accounts.

286.5-371 Dividends paid, when.

286.5-381 Savings accounts of minors.

286.5-391 Joint savings accounts.

286.5-401 Accounts of fiduciaries -- Voting powers -- Payments to beneficiaries.

286.5-411 Payments of account, foreign fiduciary.

286.5-421 Recognition of attorney-in-fact.

286.5-431 Investments by fiduciaries, charitable and financial institutions authorized.

286.5-435 Association as trustee -- Compensation -- Records.

286.5-441 Real estate loans, requirements -- Purposes for which made -- Additional payments.

286.5-451 Loans on direct reduction plan -- Pledge of stock on loan -- Interest rate -- Property improvement loans -- Participation with other lenders -- Condition for making uninsured loans.

286.5-461 Compliance with federal law or regulations required for property improvement loans or mobile home loans.

286.5-471 Loans under Servicemen's Readjustment Act.

286.5-481 Repayment of loans -- Credit value of borrower's shares -- Retention of shares.

286.5-491 Default in payment of dues -- Fine -- Forfeiture of shares -- Payments in advance.

286.5-501 Payment of expenses of loan -- Payments in lieu.

286.5-511 Priority of members for loans -- Investments -- Compensation for loans prohibited -- Loan statement.

286.5-521 Limits on power to borrow money.

286.5-531 Acquisition and ownership of real estate.

286.5-541 Acting as fiscal agent of U. S.

286.5-551 Consolidation of associations.

286.5-561 Federal savings and loan association, consolidation with or conversion into.

286.5-571 Resolution of consolidation or conversion to be filed with commissioner.

286.5-581 Consolidation or merger with federal association procedure -- Continuation with state association.

286.5-591 Transfer of property to federal association -- Rights of creditors.

286.5-601 Federal charter to be recorded -- Evidence.

286.5-611 Conversion of federal association to state association -- Procedure.

286.5-621 Reorganization or voluntary liquidation.

286.5-631 Meeting of members -- How called -- Notice.

286.5-641 Exhibit of affairs to be printed and filed.

286.5-651 Voting -- Adoption of resolution to reorganize or liquidate.

286.5-661 Foreign associations prohibited -- Exceptions.

286.5-680 Status of federal savings and loan associations -- Powers.

286.5-690 Commissioner and examiners to have no interest in association.

286.5-700 Powers of commissioner -- Form of orders.

286.5-702 Commissioner's power to make administrative regulations and orders.

286.5-705 Commissioner may authorize state associations to be competitive with federal associations.

286.5-710 Examination of associations -- Report -- Information confidential.

286.5-720 Federal examinations may be accepted -- Extra examination -- Powers of examiners.

286.5-730 Filing fee for reports -- Examination fees.

286.5-740 Violations of law or regulation -- Ordered discontinued -- Enforcement.

286.5-750 Conservator appointed -- When -- Procedure.

286.5-760 Receiver appointed when -- Federal agency as receiver -- Procedure.

286.5-770 No receiver or conservator for solvent association.

286.5-780 Declaratory judgment action as to rights.

286.5-790 Annual report of commissioner.

286.5-800 Advertising as insured institution restricted -- Penalty -- Injunction.

286.5-805 Passbook notice required of federally uninsured association.

286.5-810 Injurious statements about associations -- Penalty.

286.5-850 "Credit card guaranty" defined -- Requirement to insure validity.

286.5-900 Definitions.

286.5-905 Acquisition of one or more associations wherever located -- Limitations -- Acquisition by out-of-state associations -- Merger or consolidation.

286.5-910 Filing of application to acquire association or holding company -- Examination of applicant -- Cooperative agreements for examination of out-of-state associations or exchange of confidential information.

286.5-991 Penalties.