Kentucky Revised Statutes
Subchapter 224.10 - Energy and Environment Cabinet
224.10-192 Emission standards for carburetion systems -- Functions transferred to cabinet.

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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes

Kentucky Revised Statutes

Subchapter 224.10 - Energy and Environment Cabinet

224.10-010 Repealed, 1992.

224.10-020 Departments, offices, and divisions within the cabinet -- Appointments.

224.10-022 Office of the Secretary -- Major organization units -- Executive directors and general counsels -- Appointments.

224.10-025 Repealed, 2010.

224.10-030 Repealed, 2005.

224.10-040 Major assistants -- Staff -- Secretary may designate deputy to sign final orders.

224.10-050 Organization of cabinet.

224.10-052 Renumbered as KRS 324B.030.

224.10-053 Renumbered as KRS 324B.040.

224.10-055 Repealed, 2005.

224.10-060 Repealed, 2005.

224.10-100 Powers and duties of cabinet.

224.10-103 Repealed, 2010.

224.10-105 Additional powers of cabinet as to solid waste management.

224.10-110 Enforcement of rules and regulations adopted by secretary -- Policies -- Plans -- Programs.

224.10-120 Conformance of legal advertisements to federal laws or regulations.

224.10-190 Transfer of assets and personnel from Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet.

224.10-192 Emission standards for carburetion systems -- Functions transferred to cabinet.

224.10-194 Septic tank servicing -- Transfer of functions.

224.10-210 Records open to public inspection -- Confidential nature of certain data.

224.10-212 Hazardous waste records open to public inspection -- Confidential nature of certain data.

224.10-220 Timetables for issuance of permits -- Effects of failure to file timetables and inaction before established deadlines.

224.10-225 Facilitation of permits for coal-fired electric generation plants and industrial energy facilities.

224.10-230 Time and accounting system -- Documentation of costs submitted to legislative committee -- Promulgation of regulations.

224.10-250 Allocation of moneys collected as civil penalties.

224.10-270 Exemption or partial exemption -- Application -- Period of exemption -- Renewal -- Emergency provisions not limited.

224.10-272 Volkswagen settlement fund -- Energy and Environment Cabinet to administer -- Source and disposition of moneys.

224.10-275 Conditions of exemption -- Progress reports.

224.10-280 Cumulative environmental assessment and fee required before construction of facility for generating electricity -- Conditions imposed by cabinet -- Administrative regulations.

224.10-410 Order for discontinuance, abatement, or alleviation of condition or activity without hearing -- Subsequent hearing.

224.10-420 Notice of complaint -- Answer to charges -- Petition by aggrieved party -- Hearing.

224.10-430 Court order upon failure to obey cabinet subpoena.

224.10-440 Hearings -- Reports, recommended orders, exceptions, decisions -- Rights of parties -- Records -- Hearings to be public -- Administrative regulations.

224.10-470 Appeals from final orders of the cabinet.

224.10-610 Acceptance and disposal of surplus agricultural chemicals and containers -- Assistance to household waste educational and collection programs.

224.10-620 Public education program on reducing and managing waste.

224.10-630 Technical assistance to state agencies on composting -- Identification of state property for composting.

224.10-650 Source separation and collection program for waste materials -- Use of funds received -- Resource conservation and recovery fund.

224.10-660 Repealed, 2017.

224.10-670 Administrative regulations -- Standards and certification program for analysis of wastewater pollution -- Data submitted by uncertified laboratory invalid.