Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 98 - Health and welfare in cities of the first class and in counties containing such cities
98.010 Department of public welfare -- Powers -- Duties.

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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes

Kentucky Revised Statutes

Chapter 98 - Health and welfare in cities of the first class and in counties containing such cities

98.010 Department of public welfare -- Powers -- Duties.

98.011 Recovery of money payments or value of general assistance from certain recipients -- Time limit upon claim.

98.012 Claim against estate of recipient of general assistance -- Priority -- Filing.

98.013 City to have lien upon real property of general assistance recipient -- Notice -- Filing, recording and indexing -- Filing fee -- Enforceability of lien -- Waiver -- Precipitation.

98.014 Welfare department may receive payment from patient or inmate of institution.

98.020 Repealed, 1952.

98.030 Location of institutions.

98.040 Construction and improvement of hospitals and institutions.

98.050 Building commission to be appointed -- Ordinance -- Appropriation.

98.060 Members of building commission -- Qualifications -- Term.

98.070 Commission to constitute a corporation -- Corporate powers.

98.080 Organization -- Employees -- Bonds of employees.

98.090 Powers of commission.

98.100 Duties of commission -- Procedure in adopting plan.

98.110 Awarding of contracts -- Commission may do part of work.

98.120 Issuance of bonds -- Ordinance -- Submission to voters -- Resubmission.

98.130 Sale of bonds -- Disposition of proceeds.

98.140 Disbursements to come from proceeds of bonds or appropriation by city.

98.150 Procedure on completion of building or improvement.

98.160 Appointment of new commission or continuance of old commission.

98.170 Dissolution of commission.

98.180 Authority of city of first class and county containing such city to establish combined welfare organization.

98.190 Repealed, 1956.

98.200 Repealed, 1956.

98.210 Repealed, 1956.

98.220 Repealed, 1956.

98.230 Repealed, 1956.

98.240 Repealed, 1956.

98.250 Repealed, 1956.

98.260 Repealed, 1956.

98.270 Repealed, 1956.

98.280 Repealed, 1956.

98.290 Repealed, 1956.

98.300 Fiscal court of county containing a city of first class may establish department of welfare -- Consolidated local government may establish department of welfare -- Employees.

98.310 Fiscal court or mayor of consolidated local government to appoint director -- Qualifications -- Powers -- Duties -- Bond.

98.320 Duties of the department.

98.330 By agreement department may succeed to property and functions of board of city-county children's home.

98.340 By agreement department may assist in administering or administer any state or local welfare function -- Agreement to be in writing.

98.350 Fiscal court or mayor of consolidated local government to appoint advisory board -- Number -- Term -- Compensation -- Duties.

98.360 County to own property of department -- Exception.

98.370 Personnel -- Civil service.

98.380 City to be reimbursed by fiscal court for cost incurred by civil service board by reason of requirement of KRS 98.370.

98.390 Suspension of applicable provisions of KRS Chapter 201.