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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 97 - Parks, playgrounds, and recreation
97.010 City and county recreation facilities.
97.020 Establishment of local recreational facilities.
97.030 Creation of board to administer recreation facilities.
97.040 Gifts for recreation facilities.
97.050 Appropriations for recreation facilities.
97.055 Revenue bonds for recreation facilities.
97.090 Charges for use of park facilities.
97.100 Cities of all classes may acquire and operate recreational projects -- Definition.
97.110 City recreational commission to be established -- General powers.
97.130 Property and admission fees to be tax-exempt.
97.140 Property which cities may acquire -- Methods of acquisition -- Title in city.
97.150 Issuance of bonds to finance project.
97.160 Bonds to be negotiable and tax-exempt -- Sale -- Cities not to be obligated.
97.170 Use of money received from sale of bonds.
97.180 Bondholders' lien -- Action to enforce.
97.190 Receiver in case of default.
97.200 Funds for payment of bonds, maintenance and depreciation.
97.210 Depreciation account -- Disposition of.
97.220 Refunding and additional bonds.
97.230 Bonds for additions and improvements.
97.240 No other proceedings necessary.
97.251 Definition of "park property.".
97.253 Employees are subject to civil service.
97.255 Power of police to arrest for offenses committed on park property.
97.257 Power of condemnation for park purposes.
97.425 "Park property" defined.
97.441 Powers and duties of cities over parks and boulevards.
97.455 Board of park commissioners -- Membership -- Appointment -- Term -- Removal.
97.485 Construction of KRS 97.425 to 97.485.
97.530 Powers of cities with respect to parks, cemeteries, squares, avenues, and fountains.
97.540 Condemnation of property by city for parks or cemeteries.
97.570 Selection of officers -- Duties of officers.
97.580 Powers and duties of board.
97.590 Tax levy -- Requirement of public referendum -- Disbursements -- Exception.
97.600 Reports and records -- Compliance with KRS 65A.010 to 65A.090.
97.630 War memorial commissions in cities of the first class and the home rule class.
97.640 Officers and employees of commissions.
97.660 Bonds of officers -- Payment of bond premiums.
97.670 Form of the memorial -- Title to property -- Tax exemption.
97.680 Power of commission to acquire property -- Methods of acquisition.
97.690 Work to go to lowest and best bidder -- Work may be done by commission.
97.700 Appropriation or tax levy to maintain memorial.
97.710 Limit on expense to be incurred.
97.730 Annual report of operations -- Records -- Examination of records.
97.740 Operation of memorial -- Charges for use.
97.750 Gifts to the memorial commission.
97.760 Procedure in sale of bonds -- Disposition of proceeds.