Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 95A - Fire protection personnel
95A.250 Supplemental payments and pension contributions to local governments, the Kentucky Community and Technical College Systems, and the Department of Military Affairs from fund -- Administrative expense reimbursement.

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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes

Kentucky Revised Statutes

Chapter 95A - Fire protection personnel

95A.010 Application of chapter.

95A.020 Kentucky Fire Commission.

95A.030 Officers -- Quorum.

95A.040 Powers of commission -- Firefighter physical agility test -- Administrative regulations.

95A.050 Meetings -- Contract powers -- Administrative regulations.

95A.055 Definitions -- Qualifiers for a fire district as a special purpose governmental entity -- Annual reports to commission -- Penalties for noncompliance -- Referral of irregularities -- Corrective actions -- Reported information is public record...

95A.057 Commission may initiate consideration of dissolution of a fire protection district or volunteer fire department -- Conditions -- Procedures.

95A.060 Responsibility of Kentucky Community and Technical College System for education programs approved by the commission -- Commission to ratify certain personnel decisions -- Procedure for budget administration.

95A.070 Payments for insurance coverage of firefighters permanently and totally disabled in line of duty -- Documentation -- Reduction in payments if firefighter has other coverage -- Procedure upon termination of disability or coverage -- Administra...

95A.080 Repealed, 2015.

95A.090 Acceptance of military training and service toward certification as firefighter -- Administrative regulations.

95A.100 Fire investigators, creation, appointment, and training -- Peace officer powers -- Prohibited acts.

95A.102 Fire investigators exercising police officer powers -- Training, basic and in-service.

95A.200 Intention of General Assembly to assist local firefighters.

95A.210 Definitions for KRS 95A.200 to 95A.300.

95A.220 Firefighters Foundation Program fund -- Funds accruing under KRS 42.190 and 136.392 -- Lapsing of certain funds -- Moneys appropriated -- Treatment for post-traumatic stress injury and disorder.

95A.230 Requirements for participation in fund.

95A.240 Funds administered by commission -- Changes in training requirements.

95A.245 Certification of program cost projections to Finance and Administration Cabinet.

95A.250 Supplemental payments and pension contributions to local governments, the Kentucky Community and Technical College Systems, and the Department of Military Affairs from fund -- Administrative expense reimbursement.

95A.260 Purposes for which assistance by fund may be used.

95A.262 Hepatitis A and B inoculation of firefighters -- Allotment of funds -- Qualifications for allotment -- Firefighters training center fund -- Reimbursement for equipment losses -- Low-interest loan fund -- Implementation of programs.

95A.265 Safety education fund -- Education programs in public schools and agencies -- Administrative regulations to establish funding criteria.

95A.270 Payment by Finance and Administration Cabinet.

95A.280 Reports.

95A.290 Distribution of insufficient funds -- Exception.

95A.292 Alan "Chip" Terry Professional Development and Wellness Program -- Administrative regulations – Funding -- Leave following critical incident.

95A.300 Appeals.

95A.400 Purpose of thermal vision grant program.

95A.410 Responsibility for thermal vision grant program.

95A.420 Definition for KRS 95A.400 to 95A.440.

95A.430 Duties of commission.

95A.440 Grants to fire departments -- Applications.

95A.500 Volunteer fire department aid for merged departments.

95A.510 Definitions for KRS 95A.500 to 95A.560.

95A.520 Shares of fire department aid for merged departments prior to July 14, 2022.

95A.522 Share of fire department aid for merged departments for mergers on or after July 14, 2022.

95A.530 Notification of merger or splitting.

95A.540 Share of aid for new department created from territory in existing department prior to July 14, 2022.

95A.550 Payments owed to certain merged districts -- Proration if insufficient funds.

95A.560 Suspension of payments to department that does not remain qualified to receive aid.

95A.990 Penalty.