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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 83 - Organization and government of cities of the first class
83.165 Public wharves and landings -- Control -- Charges.
83.340 Renumbered as KRS 91A.350.
83.345 Renumbered as KRS 91A.360.
83.346 Renumbered as KRS 91A.370.
83.347 Renumbered as KRS 91A.380.
83.350 Renumbered as KRS 91A.390.
83.410 Legislative finding and expression of legislative intent.
83.420 Incorporation and general powers.
83.430 Departments of city of the first class -- Limitations.
83.440 Legislative branch -- Board of aldermen.
83.460 Board of aldermen officers.
83.470 Eligibility and discipline of members.
83.480 Quorum and meetings of board of aldermen.
83.500 Ordinances -- How passed -- Amendment -- Repeal -- Veto.
83.520 Board of aldermen -- Powers -- Tax levy -- Other statutory provisions permissive.
83.530 Executive branch -- Mayor and city departments and agencies.
83.560 Temporary absence or disability of mayor, who is to act -- Compensation.
83.570 Executive departments and directors.
83.590 Mayor's reorganization powers -- Appointment of advisory committees -- Compensation.
83.610 Appointment and removal of subordinate officers, agents, and employees -- Compensation.
83.660 Removal of executive and ministerial officers -- Appeals.