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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes
74.010 Creation of a water district.
74.025 Removal of district water commissioner -- Causes.
74.030 Legal services -- Payment.
74.040 Chief executive officer -- Employees -- Expenses -- Salary.
74.050 Treasurer -- Duties -- Compensation -- Bond.
74.075 Establishment of fire protection district by water district.
74.076 Limits -- Commissioners.
74.077 Postponement of organization pending decision on prior action.
74.085 Repealed, 1994.
74.100 Acquisition of existing systems -- Extension of mains and laterals -- How paid for.
74.110 Change of districts -- Procedure -- Deficit.
74.115 Extension of district into adjoining county.
74.120 Incorporated city may be included in district -- Consent -- Contract with city.
74.130 Classification of lands for assessments -- Report.
74.140 Acceptance of report -- Notice -- Final hearing.
74.150 Assessment roll -- Statement of costs -- Hearing -- Final order -- Appeal.
74.160 Striking assessments from roll -- Procedure.
74.170 Payment of assessments in thirty days -- Constructive consent to bond issue or loan.
74.175 Deferred assessments -- Limitation on actions.
74.180 Issuance of bonds or temporary financing of unpaid assessments.
74.200 Modification of assessment -- Relevy.
74.220 Assessment roll as evidence -- Enforcement of liens -- Proceedings -- Costs.
74.230 Effect of irregularity -- Exclusive remedies -- Effect of release.
74.280 Additions may be acquired.
74.290 Issuance of bonds for additions.
74.300 Payment of bonds for additions -- Operating and depreciation funds.
74.320 Refunding bonds authorized.
74.330 Issuance -- Form of bonds -- Signatures.
74.350 County may pay part costs.
74.360 Manner of giving notices required by this chapter.
74.361 Merger of water districts -- Hearing -- Orders.
74.367 Discontinuance of water district -- Procedure.
74.380 Refunding assessment bonds with revenue bonds.
74.390 Revenue bond plan is alternative.
74.400 District may acquire, develop, maintain and operate gas system -- Procedure.
74.401 Gas system established only if primary supply in district or county.
74.405 Gas distribution system to be administered by water commissioners.
74.408 Board to determine order in which water, gas or sewage service is to be commenced.
74.410 Revenue bonds may be issued as provided in KRS 58.010 to 58.140.
74.412 Extending lines through territory of other political subdivision.
74.414 Contract with other municipality or district for services.
74.415 Commissioners may consider installation of fire hydrants on new or extended water lines.
74.420 Definitions for KRS 74.420 to 74.520.
74.430 Authority for joint operation of water sources.
74.440 Procedure for creation of water commission.
74.450 Membership of water commission -- Term -- Compensation -- Removal -- Status.
74.455 Renumbered as KRS 74.025.
74.470 Authority to issue revenue bonds.
74.480 Exclusive water supply -- Basis for establishing rate, charges.
74.490 Commission may contract to supply other public bodies.
74.500 Procedure for participation by other city or water districts.
74.510 Commission declared not to constitute a utility.