Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 7 - Legislative research commission
7.117 Legislative drafting communications not subject to disclosure -- Application.

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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes

Kentucky Revised Statutes

Chapter 7 - Legislative research commission

7.010 Repealed, 1948.

7.020 Repealed, 1948.

7.030 Repealed, 1948.

7.040 Repealed, 1948.

7.050 Repealed, 1948.

7.060 Repealed, 1948.

7.070 Repealed, 1948.

7.080 Repealed, 1948.

7.090 Legislative Research Commission -- Membership -- Vacancies -- Meetings -- Vote required to act -- Compensation -- Director -- Qualifications -- Personnel -- Work-related incentive program -- Notice of issue involving General Assembly member tha...

7.095 Fees for publication -- Disposition.

7.100 Duties of Legislative Research Commission.

7.101 Required sexual and workplace harassment training for General Assembly members.

7.103 Interim joint committees -- Monthly meeting schedule -- Commission authorized to adopt new interim joint committee structure.

7.105 Distribution of Legislative Record.

7.107 Definitions.

7.110 Power to secure information -- Coercing production of evidence -- Cooperation of other agencies -- Cooperation with other states -- Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws -- Subcommittee and citizens' committee reports and recommenda...

7.1105 Persons with disabilities or members of their families to be included in membership of boards and committees affecting them -- Prohibition against discrimination.

7.1106 Membership on boards, task forces, and commissions and participation in programs consistent with the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act -- Disability awareness program.

7.111 Right of access to information, when.

7.112 Information to be provided free of charge.

7.115 Testimony of members of interim subcommittees of Legislative Research Commission.

7.117 Legislative drafting communications not subject to disclosure -- Application.

7.119 Inspection of legislative records by Kentucky resident -- Request to be sent to director -- Records not subject to disclosure -- Review of determination.

7.120 Statute revision functions of Commission -- Records -- Confidentiality of drafts of legislative proposals.

7.122 Repealed, 1968.

7.123 Effect of revisory act on other acts adopted at same session.

7.125 Repealed, 1996.

7.130 Repealed, 1984.

7.131 Official version of the Kentucky Revised Statutes.

7.132 Designation of certified versions of KRS -- Standards -- Distribution to state law library.

7.134 Contents of certified versions of KRS -- Format -- Requirements for certificate.

7.136 Alterations permitted in maintaining official version of KRS.

7.138 Manner of amendment or repeal of KRS sections -- Official or certified version to be used in judicial or administrative proceeding -- Procedure in event of difference between official and certified versions.

7.140 Reviser of statutes -- Appointment -- Duties.

7.150 Repealed, 1966.

7.160 Repealed, 1960.

7.170 Repealed, 1978.

7.180 Repealed, 1962.

7.200 Commission on Race and Access to Opportunity.

7.310 Intent and purpose of law.

7.320 Powers and duties of the Commission.

7.330 Audit or investigation of financial records -- Review and evaluation of state-supported programs.

7.340 Special reviews requested by members of General Assembly, granted when.

7.350 Reports of Commission -- Annual report.

7.360 Audit of public bank accounts.

7.370 Records -- Copies of reports.

7.380 Confidentiality of information.

7.410 Office of Education Accountability -- Deputy director of LRC to administer -- Duties of office -- Relations with other entities -- Annual research agenda -- Confidentiality of testimony, work products, and records.

7.420 Gathering information.

7.500 Public access to electronic form of Kentucky Constitution, statutes, acts, and administrative regulations.

7.505 Web site to provide public access to expenditure records of legislative branch -- Monthly and weekly updates -- Commission is sole custodian of information and records -- Branches to share software and applications.

7.510 Legislative electronic information system to be established and maintained.

7.520 Access fees -- Agreement with Legislative Research Commission required prior to access.

7.550 Role of Legislative Research Commission in development of population data for redistricting -- Computerized map -- Review of precinct establishment orders and requests for exemption.

7.990 Penalty.