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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 67C - Restructure of local government in county containing city of first class
67C.125 Limitation upon consolidated local government's power to levy property tax.
67C.131 Salaries for members of legislative council -- Authorization to hire staff persons.
67C.133 State Auditor to annually conduct audit of consolidated local government's funds.
67C.137 Question of consolidation to be submitted to voters.
67C.139 Authority over appointments upon establishment of consolidated local government.
67C.141 Powers and responsibilities of mayor and other officers of consolidated local government.
67C.145 Service districts -- Taxes -- Alteration of service districts and change of boundaries.
67C.301 Definitions for KRS 67C.301 to 67C.327.
67C.305 Membership of merit board -- Appointment -- Removal -- Oath -- Election of police officers.
67C.307 First meeting of board -- Officers -- Rules -- Voting.
67C.309 Meetings of board -- Secretary -- Minutes -- Records.
67C.311 Mayor's certification of information on police officers.
67C.315 Application to chief, assistant chief, and officers above the rank of captain.
67C.323 Review of disciplinary actions -- Hearings -- Appeal.
67C.325 Rights of officer brought before board -- Subpoenas.
67C.326 Review of citizen complaints against police officers.
67C.400 Definitions for KRS 67C.400 to 67C.418.
67C.404 Duty to bargain collectively.
67C.406 Activities prohibited and duty to bargain in good faith.
67C.408 Election of exclusive representative.
67C.412 Petition for fact-finding panel upon deadlock -- Hearings -- Findings -- Expenses.
67C.414 Requirements for an agreement -- Enforcement in Circuit Court.
67C.416 Consolidated local government to withhold dues and deliver to bargaining unit.
67C.418 Police officer or labor organization not to participate in strike.