Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 6 - The general assembly
6.920 Additional powers.

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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes

Kentucky Revised Statutes

Chapter 6 - The general assembly

6.010 Repealed, 1971.

6.011 Repealed, 1991.

6.020 New counties.

6.030 Repealed, 1971.

6.031 Repealed, 1991.

6.040 Repealed, 1971.

6.041 Repealed, 1992.

6.050 Privilege from arrest or civil suit -- Censure -- Fine or expulsion.

6.060 Renumbered as KRS 6.072.

6.070 Contempt or breach of privilege, punishment for.

6.071 Collection and disposition of fines imposed.

6.072 Witnesses before General Assembly -- Privileges and compensation -- Oath.

6.080 Disobedient witnesses -- Attempt to corrupt legislator -- Penalty -- Enforcement by Attorney General.

6.090 Charge -- What to contain.

6.100 Procedure on charge.

6.110 Judgment on report of committee.

6.120 Renumbered as KRS 6.131.

6.130 Collection of fine.

6.131 Resolutions and orders -- How enforced.

6.140 Renumbered as KRS 6.071.

6.145 Resignation of member.

6.150 Officers and employees -- Number elected.

6.160 Duties of chief clerk, assistant clerk and enrolling clerk of each house.

6.161 Journals.

6.162 Expenses of preparing journals -- How paid.

6.170 Duties of sergeant-at-arms, doorkeeper, janitor, cloakroom keeper and pages.

6.180 Employees to attend sessions.

6.185 Funds appropriated for legislative sessions -- Payment of compensation of members and employees.

6.190 Compensation -- Travel expenses.

6.191 Repealed, 1986.

6.193 Repealed, 1978.

6.200 Repealed, 1950.

6.210 Certification for payment of compensation and travel allowance of members of General Assembly.

6.211 Additional allowances for members of General Assembly.

6.212 Payment of allowances authorized by KRS 6.211.

6.213 Interim expense allowances for members.

6.220 Allowance in lieu of stationery.

6.225 Offices for President of Senate and Speaker of House of Representatives -- Interim per diem and expenses.

6.226 Repealed, 2003.

6.227 Repealed, 2003.

6.228 Repealed, 2003.

6.229 Repealed, 2003.

6.230 Compensation of employees.

6.235 Repealed, 1956.

6.237 Group life and group hospitalization insurance for members of General Assembly.

6.240 Date of approval or passage to be stated at end of act.

6.245 Repealed, 2022.

6.247 Bill request files.

6.248 Authorization of joint primary and cosponsorship of similar bills in opposite chambers -- Petition -- Approval -- Withdrawal -- Forms.

6.250 Repealed, 1993.

6.260 Repealed, 1993.

6.270 Repealed, 1993.

6.280 Repealed, 1993.

6.290 Repealed, 1993.

6.300 Repealed, 1993.

6.310 Repealed, 1993.

6.320 Repealed, 1993.

6.330 "In God We Trust" to be displayed above dais of Speaker of the House of Representatives.

6.350 Actuarial analysis required for bill before General Assembly to increase benefits or participation in state-administered retirement system.

6.360 Renumbered as KRS 7.310.

6.365 Repealed, 1974.

6.370 Renumbered as KRS 7.320.

6.375 Repealed, 1974.

6.380 Renumbered as KRS 7.330.

6.385 Repealed, 1974.

6.390 Renumbered as KRS 7.340.

6.395 Renumbered as KRS 7.350.

6.400 Repealed, 1974.

6.405 Renumbered as KRS 7.360.

6.410 Renumbered as KRS 7.370.

6.415 Renumbered as KRS 7.380.

6.420 Department of Kentucky State Police to provide certified officers to protect property, facilities, and meetings of General Assembly and Legislative Research Commission -- Briefings on security matters.

6.500 Legislators' Retirement Plan -- Creation.

6.505 Election to participate -- Amendment of benefits and rights -- Contribution -- Effect on membership in other retirement plans -- Repurchase of Kentucky Employees Retirement System credit lost by refund.

6.515 Terms of service to qualify -- Military service credit acquisition for members who began participating before January 1, 2014 -- Special provisions for active members who began participating before January 1, 2014.

6.518 Limitations and exclusions on increases in creditable compensation in last five years of service in General Assembly for members retiring on or after January 1, 2018 -- Exceptions for bona fide promotion or career development -- Exclusion -- De...

6.520 Retirement benefits for members who began participating before January 1, 2014.

6.521 Increase of retirement benefits.

6.525 Statutes governing plan -- Exceptions -- Consolidation of accounts -- Combining service credit.

6.530 Legislators' retirement fund -- Established.

6.535 Service credit, disposition of.

6.575 Legislators' Retirement Plan insurance fund -- Purpose.

6.577 Group hospital and medical insurance -- Employer's and recipients' contributions -- Payment for dependents -- Exemption from premium taxation -- Eligibility of members with required amount of legislative service.

6.601 Short title for KRS 6.601 to 6.849.

6.605 Repealed, 1976.

6.606 Purpose of code.

6.610 Repealed, 1976.

6.611 Definitions for code.

6.615 Repealed, 1976.

6.616 Definitions of "intentionally" and "knowingly".

6.620 Repealed, 1976.

6.621 Extraterritorial application.

6.625 Repealed, 1976.

6.626 Construction of code with respect to charitable solicitations, employment of spouses of legislators, and continuing employment as legislative agents of certain spouses of legislators.

6.630 Repealed, 1976.

6.631 Construction of code with respect to criminal or penal laws.

6.632 Misdemeanor or felony violation of KRS 6.601 to 6.849 may be adjudicated as ethical misconduct.

6.635 Repealed, 1976.

6.640 Repealed, 1976.

6.645 Repealed, 1976.

6.650 Repealed, 1976.

6.651 Establishment of Kentucky Legislative Ethics Commission -- Membership -- Terms.

6.655 Repealed, 1976.

6.656 Chair and vice chair -- Meetings -- Compensation of members.

6.660 Repealed, 1976.

6.661 Executive director -- Staff.

6.665 Repealed, 1974.

6.666 Powers of commission -- Authority to promulgate administrative regulations -- Lists of legislative agents -- Trust and agency account.

6.670 Repealed, 1976.

6.675 Repealed, 1976.

6.680 Repealed, 1976.

6.681 Advisory opinions.

6.685 Repealed, 1976.

6.686 Complaint procedure -- Preliminary investigations -- Penalty for false complaint of misconduct.

6.690 Repealed, 1976.

6.691 Adjudicatory proceedings -- Action by commission -- Appeal.

6.695 Repealed, 1976.

6.696 Effect of felony conviction on state retirement benefits.

6.700 Repealed, 1976.

6.701 Program of ethics education and training for legislators and legislative employees -- Program of ethics education and training for legislative agents.

6.706 Ethics education manual for legislators.

6.711 Orientation courses for legislators.

6.716 Current issues seminars for legislators and legislative employees.

6.731 General standards of conduct -- Penalties.

6.734 Prohibition against disclosure or use of confidential information -- Penalty.

6.737 Prohibition against certain contracts with state agency -- Penalty.

6.741 Prohibition against certain leases or sales of real property with state agency -- Penalty.

6.744 Prohibitions against influencing state agency and appearing as a paid expert witness before state agency -- Restriction of representation of clients before state agency or in court -- Penalties.

6.747 Prohibition against honoraria -- Authorization for certain out-of-state travel -- Penalty.

6.750 Renumbered as KRS 6.611.

6.751 Prohibition against acceptance of additional compensation or gifts for performance of legislative duties -- Penalties.

6.754 Prohibition against employment of and certain other conduct relating to members of a legislator's family -- Exception -- Penalty.

6.755 Repealed, 1993.

6.757 Restriction on former legislator becoming a legislative agent -- Prohibition against legislator being a legislative agent -- Penalty.

6.760 Repealed, 1993.

6.761 Conflict of interest provisions -- Penalty.

6.764 Offices incompatible with being a legislator -- Exception -- Penalties.

6.765 Repealed, 1993.

6.767 Prohibitions against acceptance of campaign contributions from legislative agents at any time and from employers of legislative agents or permanent committees during regular sessions -- Penalties -- Defenses.

6.770 Repealed, 1993.

6.775 Renumbered as KRS 6.731.

6.780 Repealed, 1993.

6.781 Individuals required to file statements of financial interests.

6.784 Exceptions to financial disclosure requirements.

6.785 Repealed, 1993.

6.787 Statements of financial disclosure -- Form -- Contents.

6.790 Renumbered as KRS 6.751.

6.791 Public record status of statements of financial disclosure -- Retention requirements for commission.

6.793 Time schedule for filing statements of financial interests.

6.794 Ten-day grace period for filing of statements of financial interests.

6.795 Renumbered as KRS 6.744.

6.797 Notice of filing deficiency -- Penalties for deficient or false filing.

6.800 Renumbered as KRS 6.764.

6.801 Legislative findings and declarations relating to legislative lobbying.

6.805 Repealed, 1993.

6.807 Registration statements for legislative agents -- Penalties.

6.809 Registration fee -- Trust and agency account.

6.810 Repealed, 1993.

6.811 Prohibitions against certain conduct by legislative agents and their employers -- Penalties.

6.815 Repealed, 1992.

6.820 Repealed, 1993.

6.821 Statements of expenditures -- Penalties.

6.824 Statements of financial transactions -- Penalties.

6.825 Renumbered as KRS 6.631.

6.827 Dispute resolution with respect to statements of expenditures and statements of financial transactions -- Civil liability for false information.

6.829 Commission's duties with respect to legislative lobbying.

6.849 [Number not yet utilized.].

6.850 Repealed, 1993.

6.900 Definitions for KRS 6.900 to 6.935.

6.905 Legislative Oversight and Investigations Committee -- Membership -- Meetings -- Vote required to act.

6.910 Purpose, powers, and duties of committee -- Confidentiality of working papers and other information -- Closed meetings authorized -- Witnesses -- Subpoenas.

6.912 Enforcement of committee subpoenas -- Penalty for failure to comply.

6.915 Information to be provided by state agencies.

6.916 Information to be provided free of charge.

6.920 Additional powers.

6.922 Annual evaluation of external child fatality and near fatality review panel -- Report to General Assembly.

6.925 Committee may require testimony.

6.930 Report of committee findings and recommendations.

6.935 Attorney General, Auditor of Public Accounts, and other officials to assist committee.

6.940 Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Committee -- Membership -- Meetings -- Vote required to act. (Repealed - Effective until January 1, 2023).

6.940 Repealed, 2023. (Effective January 1, 2023).

6.943 Child Welfare Oversight and Advisory Committee -- Membership -- Co-chairs -- Quorum -- Employment of personnel -- Staff and operating costs. (Repealed - Effective until January 1, 2023).

6.943 Repealed, 2023. (Effective January 1, 2023).

6.945 Restriction of General Assembly's authority to require cities to make expenditures or levy taxes.

6.948 Financial impact statement requirement for bill or amendment with mandated health benefit -- Preparation of statement by Department of Insurance -- Contents -- Time for completion of statements.

6.949 Corrections impact statement -- Conditions in legislation requiring preparation -- Contents of corrections impact statement -- Calculation of costs and savings of creation of new crime or revision of existing crime.

6.950 Definitions.

6.955 Fiscal note required for bill or resolution of Legislature or executive order relating to local government.

6.960 Preparation of fiscal note for bill introduced in General Assembly or executive order.

6.965 Contents of fiscal note -- State mandate determination -- Copies to be furnished to local officials.

6.970 Fiscal note information system on local government's financial condition.

6.975 Requests for information from local government.

6.990 Repealed, 1993.