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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes
48.010 Definitions for chapter.
48.020 Continuous financial planning.
48.025 Tax dollars not to be used to advocate for or against public question on ballot.
48.030 Preparation of branch budget recommendations -- Legislative assistance to judicial branch.
48.050 Submission of budget unit requests.
48.060 Governor-elect and statewide constitutional officers-elect to be informed.
48.100 Submission of branch budget recommendations.
48.110 Contents of branch budget recommendations.
48.150 Appropriations to address unexpected emergencies and contingencies.
48.160 State matching for federal funds.
48.165 Restrictions as to "necessary government expense" or items without specified dollar amounts.
48.170 Additional information.
48.180 Financial information submitted as part of executive branch budget request.
48.185 Area development fund recommendations.
48.192 Commonwealth postsecondary prepaid tuition trust fund recommendations.
48.200 Printing of budget recommendations -- Copies for General Assembly members and clerks.
48.210 Assistance to General Assembly by representatives of each branch of government.
48.310 Operation of budget bill.
48.311 Structure of branch budget bills -- Severability of provisions.
48.312 Duplicate appropriations.
48.315 Transfer of agency, special, and other funds to general fund in budget bill.
48.500 Interpretation of branch budget bills -- Legislative review.
48.605 Revision of allotments within appropriations.
48.610 Schedule of quarterly allotments of appropriations.
48.620 Revision of allotment schedule.
48.700 General fund -- Surplus fund account.
48.705 General fund -- Budget reserve trust fund account.
48.710 Road fund -- Surplus fund account.
48.715 Emergency disaster relief account.
48.730 Required notifications by state agency when declining entitlement to federal funds.
48.800 Fiscal reporting to branches of government -- Annual financial and program status reports.
48.810 Strategic plan -- Progress report -- Methodology -- Training course -- Electronic database.
48.950 Continuous budget information system -- Contents -- Responsibility for.