Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 40 - Veterans
40.300 Department of Veterans' Affairs attached to Office of Governor -- Organization.

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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes

Kentucky Revised Statutes

Chapter 40 - Veterans

40.005 Authorization to enact veterans' bonus.

40.010 Definitions for chapter.

40.020 Legislative intent.

40.030 Direction that bonus be paid.

40.040 Service for which no allowance shall be made.

40.050 Computation of bonus.

40.060 Applications.

40.070 Time of filing applications -- Extension -- Return of late applications.

40.080 Supporting documents -- Discretionary hearing.

40.090 Repealed, 1996.

40.100 Burden of proof.

40.110 Prompt determination to be made.

40.120 Notice of disapproval of claim to be sent to claimant -- Review procedure.

40.130 Effect of final disapproval -- Procedure.

40.140 Setting off tax delinquency against bonus.

40.150 Board of review -- Appointment -- Only three members to act in any matter -- Compensation -- Dissolution.

40.160 Claims and payments nonassignable, exempt from taxation and from claims of creditors and process of courts until received.

40.170 Forfeiture of right to bonus.

40.180 Estimates of sums required to finance bonus.

40.190 Issuance of bonds by State Property and Buildings Commission.

40.200 Commission's power to fix details of bonds.

40.210 Tax-exempt character of bonds -- Signatures -- Temporary and replacement bonds.

40.220 "Veterans' Bonus Fund.".

40.230 Construction of chapter -- Administrator's power to make regulations.

40.300 Department of Veterans' Affairs attached to Office of Governor -- Organization.

40.305 Governor's Advisory Board for Veterans' Affairs -- Membership -- Meetings -- Duties of board and commissioner of Department of Veterans' Affairs.

40.310 Duties of Department of Veterans' Affairs.

40.315 State veterans' cemeteries -- Administrative regulations -- Funding.

40.317 Veterans' benefits regional administrators and field representatives -- Duties.

40.320 Purpose of KRS 40.325.

40.325 Definition of "nurse aide" -- Veterans' nursing homes -- Office of Kentucky Veterans' Centers -- Administrative regulations -- Funding -- Contracts to hire licensed nurses and nurse aides to provide long-term care.

40.327 Loan repayment program for registered nurses and licensed practical nurses employed by Department of Veterans' Affairs -- KHEAA to administer program -- Funding.

40.330 Authorization to apply for issuance of revenue bonds -- Other financial arrangements.

40.335 Revenue bonds -- Provisions -- Exempt from taxation -- Negotiability -- Conditions in authorizing resolution -- Sale of bonds -- Prior consent not required.

40.340 Kentucky Homeless Veterans Program -- Homeless Veterans Service Coordinating Committee.

40.345 Private employer may have voluntary veterans' preference employment policy -- Registry of employers -- Administrative regulations.

40.350 Kentucky Wounded or Disabled Veterans Program -- Powers and duties -- Components of program -- Data-sharing agreements -- Confidentiality of veterans' personal information -- Administrative regulations -- Authority to accept and expend moneys.

40.353 Kentucky Medal for Freedom -- Eligibility -- Administrative regulations -- Funds to defray costs.

40.355 Indigent Veterans' Burial Program -- Funding -- Administration.

40.357 Administrative regulations implementing Indigent Veterans' Burial Program.

40.360 Veterans' Service Organization Burial Honor Guard Program.

40.362 Veterans' Service Organization Burial Honor Guard trust fund.

40.364 Duties of Department of Veterans' Affairs.

40.366 Student participation in program -- Excused absences.

40.400 Definitions for KRS 40.410 to 40.560.

40.410 Legislative intent.

40.420 Determination and declaration that bonus be paid.

40.430 Service for which no allowance shall be made.

40.440 Computation of bonus.

40.450 Powers and duties of Department of Military Affairs -- Administration of veterans' program trust fund by Department of Veterans' Affairs.

40.460 Applications for bonus.

40.470 Time of filing applications -- Return of late applications.

40.480 Discretionary hearing.

40.490 Repealed, 1996.

40.500 Burden of proof.

40.510 Prompt determination to be made.

40.520 Notice of disapproval of claim to be sent to claimant -- Review procedure.

40.530 Effect of final disapproval -- Procedure.

40.540 Setting off tax delinquency against bonus.

40.550 Claims and payments nonassignable -- Exemptions applicable to payments.

40.560 Board of review -- Appointment -- Manner of deciding each claim -- Compensation -- Dissolution.

40.600 Kentucky Women Veterans Program -- Administrative regulations.

40.650 Veterans' Personal Loan Program.

40.990 Penalties.

40.991 Penalties for violation of laws relating to bonus paid veterans defined in KRS 40.400.