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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 278 - Public service commission
278.012 Water association subject to Public Service Commission -- Exceptions.
278.0152 Water utility permitted to charge a tapping fee for installing service to customer.
278.016 Commonwealth to be divided into geographical service areas.
278.017 Establishing boundaries of certified areas.
278.018 Right to serve certified territory.
278.027 Application for certificate -- Publishing notice of hearing.
278.040 Public Service Commission -- Jurisdiction -- Regulations.
278.047 Renumbered as KRS 96.534.
278.050 Membership of Public Service Commission -- Appointment -- Terms -- Chairman -- Vacancies.
278.060 Qualifications of commissioners -- Oath -- Restrictions on conduct.
278.070 Removal of commissioners.
278.090 Office and hours -- Meetings.
278.115 Commission to establish internal organization of its offices.
278.120 Compensation and expenses of commissioners, executive director, and employees.
278.130 Assessments against utilities -- Applications for adjustment.
278.140 Report of gross earnings from intrastate business.
278.170 Discrimination as to rates or service -- Free or reduced rate services.
278.172 Rate classification for certain entities.
278.180 Changes in rates, how made.
278.192 Test period for proposed rate increase.
278.200 Power to regulate rates and service standards fixed by agreement with city.
278.210 Examination and testing of meters and meter-testing devices.
278.214 Curtailment of service by utility or generation and transmission cooperative.
278.218 Approval of commission for change in ownership or control of assets owned by utility.
278.220 Uniform system of accounts for utilities.
278.2201 Prohibition against subsidy of nonregulated activity -- Separate accounting.
278.2203 Cost allocation of regulated and nonregulated activity.
278.2205 Cost allocation manual for nonregulated activity -- Contents -- Maintenance.
278.2209 Documentation regarding cost allocation.
278.2219 Waiver or deviation from requirements of KRS 278.2201 to 278.2213.
278.225 Time limitation on billing -- Liability for unbilled service.
278.240 Certified copies of commission's records -- Use as evidence.
278.250 Investigation of condition of utility.
278.255 Periodic management and operation audits.
278.260 Jurisdiction over complaints as to rates or service -- Investigations -- Hearing.
278.270 Orders by commission as to rates.
278.277 Any coal severance taxes imposed a factor in any fuel adjustment clause review.
278.280 Orders by commission as to service -- Extension of service.
278.295 Determination of value of acquired water and sewer system assets for ratemaking purposes.
278.300 Issuance or assumption of securities by utilities.
278.310 Rules for hearings and investigations.
278.350 Incriminating evidence -- Immunity of witnesses.
278.360 Record of contested proceedings on formal hearing.
278.370 Recording of order, finding, authorization or certificate -- How proved to be in effect.
278.380 Delivery of orders by electronic transmission or mail.
278.390 Enforcement of orders.
278.410 Action to review order of commission -- Institution -- Answer -- Injunction.
278.420 Designation and filing of record -- Cost.
278.440 Evidence to be heard by court -- Remand.
278.450 Judgment of Circuit Court -- Appeal to Court of Appeals.
278.465 Definitions for KRS 278.465 to 278.468.
278.467 Jurisdiction over disputes -- Guidelines -- Forms -- Posting on Web site.
278.470 Companies transporting oil or gas by pipeline are common carriers.
278.480 Pipeline companies may deliver oil or gas on order of person in possession.
278.490 Transportation of oil or gas received from connecting lines.
278.495 Authority to regulate safety aspects of natural gas facilities.
278.502 Condemnation for pipelines and related facilities, including rights of ingress and egress.
278.504 Definitions for KRS 278.505 to 278.507.
278.506 Gas to meet pipeline quality standards -- Delivery and curtailment provisions.
278.509 Recovery of costs for investment in natural gas pipeline replacement programs.
278.512 Legislative findings -- Exemption of telecommunications product or service from regulation.
278.514 Exempted service not to be subsidized by nonexempted, regulated telecommunications services.
278.520 Transmission of long distance messages from other telephone lines.
278.530 Procedure to compel connection with telephone exchange or line.
278.535 Switching of telecommunications provider -- Penalty -- Administrative regulations.
278.540 Acquisition of right-of-way by telephone or telegraph company -- Condemnation.
278.541 Definitions for KRS 278.541 to 278.544.
278.544 Provisions applicable to all telephone utilities.
278.546 Legislative findings and determinations relating to telecommunications.
278.5461 "Local exchange carrier" defined for KRS 278.546 to 278.5462.
278.547 Definitions for KRS 278.547 to 278.5499.
278.548 Telecommunications relay service program.
278.549 Rates -- Funding mechanism.
278.5499 Funding mechanism for Telecommunications Access Program.
278.600 Definitions for KRS 278.600 and 278.610.
278.610 Requirements for certification of nuclear power facility.
278.700 Definitions for KRS 278.700 to 278.716.
278.702 Kentucky State Board on Electric Generation and Transmission Siting.
278.708 Site assessment report -- Consultant -- Mitigation measures.
278.712 Local public hearing -- Procedure -- Parties -- Action to vacate or set aside ruling.
278.718 Construction of KRS 278.700, 278.704, 278.706, 278.708, and 278.710.
278.990 Penalties.