Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 269 - Miscellaneous provisions as to ditches, drainage, and reclamation
269.130 Oath of commissioners -- Filling of vacancy -- Quorum -- Removal.

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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes

Kentucky Revised Statutes

Chapter 269 - Miscellaneous provisions as to ditches, drainage, and reclamation

269.005 Compliance with KRS 65A.010 to 65A.090.

269.010 Issue of refunding bonds for drainage, levee, or reclamation district -- Maturity -- Interest rate -- Exchange of bonds or sale -- Use of proceeds.

269.020 Payment of assessment and release from liability for refunding bonds.

269.030 Notice of intention to refund bonds -- Form -- Majority of owners may require abandonment of refunding.

269.040 Assessment installments and taxes to retire refunding bonds -- Certification to sheriff -- Apportionment and total allowed.

269.050 Refunding taxes collected as are other district taxes -- Rights of bondholders.

269.060 District may accept federal benefits.

269.070 County may drain land -- Payment of cost -- Acquisition of necessary land.

269.080 Election -- Limit of tax -- Issue of bonds -- Maturity.

269.090 Contract for work -- Commissioner appointed if bonds are sold -- Tax levy for redemption of bonds.

269.100 Establishment of taxing district for drainage of part of county -- Election -- Issue of bonds.

269.110 Continuation of drainage corporations -- To have benefit of this law.

269.120 Appointment of commissioners by county judge/executive -- Qualifications -- Compensation.

269.130 Oath of commissioners -- Filling of vacancy -- Quorum -- Removal.

269.140 Commissioners shall assess land -- File report -- Contents of report -- Error not to invalidate assessment -- Subsequent assessments.

269.150 Tax notice -- Form -- Complaint -- Hearing on assessment.

269.160 Circuit Court's determination of whether assessment was properly made -- Court order conclusive.

269.170 Taxes -- When assessed -- When payable -- Discount -- Interest -- Office for collection.

269.180 Corporation's lien for taxes -- Recording -- Limitation -- Procedure when tax is paid -- Use of taxes.

269.190 Collection of taxes by rule -- Enforcement of lien.

269.200 Collection of taxes by suit -- Rights of corporation -- Form of action.

269.210 Powers of corporation as to ditches -- Condemnation of property.

269.220 Extension of district by the county judge/executive -- Hearing -- Appeals -- Assessments.

269.230 Fees collected by circuit and county clerks -- Annual financial statement of directors of corporation.

269.240 Removal of obstructions from nonnavigable streams or drains by owner in counties of over 250,000 -- Inspection and notice by county engineer.

269.250 County engineer to remove obstructions not removed by owner -- Lien for and payment of cost.

269.260 Withdrawal of land from drainage district.

269.270 County surface water drainage districts.