Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 251 - Grain warehouses
251.355 Grain dealer license and grain warehouse operator license -- Department’s authority to issue and administer licenses -- Administrative regulations -- Fees -- Suspension or revocation of licenses.

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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes

Kentucky Revised Statutes

Chapter 251 - Grain warehouses

251.010 Definitions for chapter.

251.015 Repealed, 2019.

251.020 Powers and functions of state board -- Administrative regulations -- Cooperative agreements with state and federal agencies, universities, and other entities -- Application to Circuit Court for orders to enjoin -- Power to bring or defend civ...

251.030 Repealed, 1982.

251.040 Repealed, 2002.

251.050 Repealed, 2002.

251.060 Repealed, 2002.

251.070 Repealed, 2002.

251.080 Repealed, 2002.

251.090 Repealed, 2002.

251.100 Repealed, 2002.

251.110 Repealed, 2002.

251.120 Repealed, 2002.

251.130 Repealed, 2002.

251.140 Repealed, 2002.

251.150 Repealed, 2002.

251.160 Repealed, 2002.

251.170 Repealed, 2002.

251.180 Repealed, 2002.

251.190 Repealed, 2002.

251.200 Repealed, 2002.

251.210 Repealed, 2002.

251.220 Repealed, 2002.

251.230 Repealed, 2002.

251.240 Repealed, 2002.

251.250 Repealed, 2002.

251.260 Repealed, 2002.

251.270 Repealed, 2002.

251.280 Repealed, 2002.

251.290 Repealed, 2002.

251.300 Repealed, 2002.

251.310 Repealed, 2002.

251.320 Repealed, 2002.

251.330 Repealed, 2002.

251.340 Purpose of chapter.

251.345 Licensee to issue scale ticket upon receipt of grain -- Documents issued for received grain to be produced upon department’s request.

251.350 Scale ticket issued by licensed grain dealer or licensed grain warehouse operator, information required -- Department-approved scales for weighing grain.

251.355 Grain dealer license and grain warehouse operator license -- Department’s authority to issue and administer licenses -- Administrative regulations -- Fees -- Suspension or revocation of licenses.

251.360 Grain dealer or grain warehouse operator license fees -- Use of fees -- Prohibited use of fees.

251.365 Evidence of financial responsibility to be filed by applicant or licensee -- Security required.

251.370 Licensees using paper documents or electronic documents -- Business records required -- Retention schedule -- Accounting functions -- Financial statements -- Administrative regulations.

251.375 Forward pricing contracts -- Requirements governing -- Administrative regulations.

251.380 Periodic inspections of licensed grain warehouses and licensed grain dealers -- Correction of deficiencies.

251.385 Fund-covered grains, defined -- Approval of fund-covered grain status by board required.

251.390 Kentucky grain insurance fund -- Eligibility for coverage -- Notice of intent not to be covered by fund, effect of.

251.395 Lien on grain stored with grain warehouse operator -- Relation to other liens or security interests -- Filing of notice not required to perfect -- Discharge of lien.

251.400 Powers and duties of board upon failure involving licensed grain dealer or licensed grain warehouse operator -- When claimant deemed to have assigned all rights, title, and interest to the board.

251.405 Rights of persons injured by violation of any provision of this chapter.

251.410 Repealed, 2019.

251.420 Repealed, 2019.

251.430 Repealed, 2019.

251.440 Application for license as grain warehouse operator or grain dealer -- Grounds for denial of new license or revocation of existing license -- Notice and hearing -- Confidentiality of documents.

251.450 Repealed, 1984.

251.451 Repealed, 2019.

251.460 Information confidential.

251.470 Posting of license.

251.480 Repealed, 2019.

251.485 Repealed, 2019.

251.490 Repealed, 2019.

251.500 Changes that make license issued under this chapter invalid -- Duties of licensee when change occurs -- Audit and examination authorized -- Changes that invalidate licenses issued under this chapter.

251.510 Repealed, 2019.

251.520 Repealed, 2019.

251.600 Repealed, 2019.

251.610 Repealed, 2019.

251.620 Repealed, 2019.

251.630 Repealed, 2019.

251.640 Assessment of producers of fund-covered grains -- Deduction of assessment -- Assessments dependent upon balance in fund.

251.642 Repealed, 2019.

251.650 Use of funds -- Kentucky grain insurance fund -- Investment of funds -- Authorization for funds to be invested through the Finance and Administration Cabinet's Office of Financial Management -- Board to report to Interim Joint Committee on Ap...

251.660 Insufficiency of funds to pay approved claims.

251.670 Repealed, 2019.

251.675 Repealed, 2019.

251.680 Repealed, 2019.

251.690 Repealed, 2019.

251.700 Repealed, 2019.

251.710 Repealed, 2019.

251.720 Repealed, 2019.

251.730 Evidence required to be produced when irregularities suspected.

251.740 Appeal.

251.990 Penalties for chapter.