Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 220 - Sanitation districts
220.537 Procedure for protest against proposed annexation.

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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes

Kentucky Revised Statutes

Chapter 220 - Sanitation districts

220.010 Definitions for KRS 220.010 to 220.540.

220.020 Commissioner of sanitation districts -- Power to establish districts.

220.030 Purposes for which sanitation district may be established.

220.035 Powers of fiscal court to be stated in ordinance -- Powers of county judges/executive in districts governed by KRS 220.135 -- Service charges, rates, and user fees in districts with more than 10,000 customer accounts governed by KRS 220.542.

220.040 Petition necessary to establish district -- Requisites.

220.050 Contents of petition.

220.060 Defects in petition may be corrected -- Joint petitions.

220.070 Security for costs of establishment proceedings.

220.080 Boundary of proposed district -- Investigation -- Change -- Inclusion of city property restricted.

220.090 Publication of application to create district.

220.100 Objection to establishment of district -- How made -- Trial -- Appeal.

220.110 Declaration and certification of organization -- Status and powers of district -- Corporate name.

220.115 Fiscal court procedure for alteration or dissolution of district.

220.120 Conclusiveness of certificate.

220.130 Office and records of district.

220.135 Boundaries of multicounty districts -- Assumption by district of city systems effective July 1, 1995 -- City's option not to be assumed -- Dissolution of municipal subdistricts -- Effects of assumptions and dissolutions -- Uniformity of distr...

220.140 Board of directors -- Management of district -- Qualifications -- Appointment -- Terms -- Vacancies.

220.150 Oath and bond of directors.

220.160 Quorum -- Action to be by resolution -- Votes to be recorded.

220.170 Officers of board -- Seal -- Records -- Powers -- Compensation -- Regulations -- Resolution of complaints.

220.180 Duties of secretary -- Certified copies of records.

220.190 Duties of treasurer -- Bond.

220.200 Employees of district -- Supplies and equipment.

220.205 Group insurance for employees may be provided.

220.210 Duties of chief engineer.

220.220 Board to prepare plan for improvements.

220.230 Other surveys may be used.

220.240 Plan must be approved by Energy and Environment Cabinet.

220.250 Plan to be accepted and financing fixed by resolution -- Alterations.

220.260 Other persons not to install sanitation improvements without approval -- Violation is nuisance.

220.270 Power to carry out plan by direct labor or contract.

220.280 Powers of board limited -- Private connections -- Type of improvements authorized -- Rights as to public corporations -- Annual audit.

220.285 Power to provide sewer service outside district.

220.290 Contracts for work, material and supplies -- How let.

220.300 Real property may be acquired by district.

220.302 Agreements to jointly acquire real or personal property outside of district's boundaries.

220.310 Condemnation.

220.320 Regulations as to use and construction of works and improvements -- Enforcement -- Penalties and damages.

220.322 Disconnections, reconnections, and relocations of water inflows -- Powers of board -- Use of funds -- Fees -- Responsibility of property owner.

220.330 Removal or adjustment of obstructions.

220.340 Stream and rain gages -- Surveys and scientific examinations.

220.350 Contracts for assistance with governments, governmental agencies and others -- Operations in adjoining states.

220.360 Taxes for preliminary expense.

220.370 Borrowing money for preliminary expense.

220.380 Bonds may be issued by district -- Applicability of KRS 107.010 to 107.220.

220.390 Interest rate on bonds -- Time and place of payment.

220.400 Negotiability of bonds -- Tax exemption -- Signature -- How sold -- Not a debt.

220.410 Use of proceeds of bonds.

220.420 Bondholders' lien -- Enforcement.

220.430 Receiver in case of default.

220.440 Sinking, operating and depreciation funds to be provided.

220.450 Use of surplus in operating fund.

220.460 Use of depreciation fund -- Investment.

220.470 Refunding bonds.

220.480 Additional bonds to complete original project.

220.490 Original issue may include bonds for additions and improvements.

220.500 Subsequent issue of bonds for additions and improvements.

220.510 Charges for sewer service -- Collection by action -- Cutting off water service if sewer service charges not paid -- Contracts with large users -- Administration of revenue.

220.515 Charges to users for acquisition, construction, or establishment of facilities.

220.520 Governmental units may be charged for service.

220.530 Annexation of district or part of district by city.

220.535 Petition for annexation of territory to district.

220.536 Investigation and establishment of territorial boundaries -- Inclusion of city -- Notice to residents of territory -- Annexation by multicounty district.

220.537 Procedure for protest against proposed annexation.

220.540 Effect of sanitation district law on other statutes.

220.542 Procedure for increase in service charge, rate, or user fee -- Districts with fewer than 10,000 customer accounts exempted.

220.544 Web site to provide public access to expenditure records of sanitation district -- Monthly updates -- Exemption -- Registration with Department for Local Government -- Application of KRS 65A.010 to 65A.090 for fiscal periods beginning on or a...

220.550 Renumbered as KRS 224.190.

220.551 Renumbered as KRS 224.195.

220.552 Renumbered as KRS 224.200.

220.553 Construction subdistrict established -- Petition -- Procedure -- Judicial review.

220.554 Construction subdistrict not to include nonconsenting city or district.

220.555 Engineering survey of construction subdistrict -- Assessment of benefits -- Notice.

220.557 Engineering report filed, when.

220.560 Renumbered as KRS 224.205.

220.561 Notice of hearing -- Publication -- Order of construction and assessment.

220.563 Appeal from order of establishment or assessment -- Procedure.

220.565 District may construct or contract for construction -- No debts incurred until assessment final.

220.567 Combined methods of financing.

220.570 Renumbered as KRS 224.210.

220.571 Assessment of costs -- Lien -- Payment -- Effect of nonpayment.

220.573 Priority of construction subdistrict assessment liens -- Enforcement.

220.575 Bonds if assessments not paid -- Term -- Payment of assessments in installments.

220.577 Revenue bonds of construction subdistrict -- Procedure -- Contents.

220.580 Renumbered as KRS 224.010.

220.581 Refunding of bonds secured by assessments.

220.583 Financing may be arranged as in cities -- Construction of terms from KRS Chapter 107.

220.585 Financing by apportionment warrants.

220.587 Financing methods temporarily inadequate -- Procedure -- Contracts.

220.590 Renumbered as KRS 224.020.

220.591 Default on revenue bonds -- Trustee appointed -- Actions by trustee, receiver, powers.

220.593 Rate schedule for construction subdistrict -- Notice -- Objections -- Purposes -- Trust fund for revenue bonds.

220.595 Cut off of water supply of user in construction subdistrict.

220.597 Operating and maintenance costs of subdistrict system, how paid.

220.600 Renumbered as KRS 224.030.

220.601 Property of district, bonds and income therefrom exempt from tax.

220.603 Procedure for annexation to subdistricts.

220.605 Sewage systems may become construction subdistricts, when -- Incorporated in district, when.

220.607 Winding up of construction subdistrict affairs, when, effect.

220.610 Renumbered as KRS 224.040.

220.611 Bonds of several construction subdistricts -- Purposes, effect.

220.613 Revenue bonds alternate method of financing.

220.620 Renumbered as KRS 224.050.

220.630 Renumbered as KRS 224.060.

220.640 Renumbered as KRS 224.080.

220.650 Renumbered as KRS 224.100.

220.660 Renumbered as KRS 224.130.

220.990 Renumbered as KRS 224.990.