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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 212 - Local health programs
212.040 Establishment for one county by fiscal court -- Appropriation.
212.060 When fiscal court may not establish.
212.070 Establishment by election.
212.080 Elections in one county.
212.110 Certification of election results.
212.130 County and district health departments, how organized.
212.140 County health department -- How governed.
212.160 Office quarters for county boards and district departments.
212.170 Appointment of health officers -- Assistant -- Employees -- Appeals.
212.180 Health officer qualifications.
212.190 Health officers -- Compensation.
212.210 Powers and duties of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services and local health boards.
212.230 Powers and duties of county, city-county, and district health boards.
212.240 Duties of county health departments.
212.245 Powers of local health departments.
212.260 Powers and duties of local health officers.
212.270 Attorneys to represent Cabinet for Health and Family Services and local boards of health.
212.343 Counseling by physician.
212.345 Consent document -- Endorsement.
212.347 Waiting period required.
212.370 Powers and duties of city-county board as to public health and institutions.
212.372 Classifications based upon financial ability.
212.373 Recovery of charges from spouse or parent.
212.374 Recovery of charges from person liable to person receiving services -- Subrogation.
212.376 Financial condition not to affect admission to hospital or emergency treatment.
212.390 Vacancies -- Resignations.
212.400 Compensation of board members.
212.420 Director of health -- Qualifications, salary, term, removal.
212.430 Compensation of employees -- Civil service.
212.432 Inclusion of employees in state retirement system.
212.436 Payment of contributions.
212.440 Transfer of employees of former health agencies.
212.450 Indebtedness beyond annual income not to be incurred without popular vote.
212.460 Contracts for work or materials -- Day labor.
212.470 Appropriations by county and city -- Payment for school health services.
212.490 Power to receive gifts and donations -- Use -- Investment.
212.510 Use of donations for other purposes.
212.520 Fiscal year -- Budget estimates.
212.530 Transfer of funds of former health agencies.
212.550 Accounts and financial records -- Audits.
212.570 Reports to Cabinet for Health and Family Services, fiscal court, and board of aldermen.
212.580 Title to property -- Tax exemption -- Power to sell, mortgage or exchange.
212.590 Power of condemnation.
212.610 Public hearings -- Production of evidence.
212.620 Abatement of nuisances -- Enforcement of orders.
212.625 Animal shelter for animals.
212.626 Definitions for KRS 212.627 to 212.639.
212.628 Transfer of property to board of health -- Powers and duties of board.
212.629 Board to establish fee schedules.
212.631 Board may recover reasonable value of services furnished.
212.633 Board meetings -- Quorum.
212.635 Commissioner -- Appointment -- Qualifications -- Duties.
212.636 Department employees -- Compensation plan -- Merit system -- Personnel board.
212.638 Contract bidding for work, supplies, or materials.
212.639 State aid -- Budget -- Annual report -- Compliance with KRS 65A.010 to 65A.090.
212.641 Definition of "city.".
212.650 Expense of maintaining city-county department.
212.660 City-county health officer -- Employee benefits.
212.670 Powers and duties of city-county board and department.
212.680 Powers and duties of city-county health officer.
212.690 Transfer of property and institutions.
212.700 Jurisdiction of city-county department.
212.710 State aid for city-county department.
212.715 Orders of health agencies.
212.720 Creation of public health taxing districts.
212.722 Compliance with KRS 65A.010 to 65A.090.
212.725 Imposition of special ad valorem public health tax.
212.750 Public health taxing district created in counties not electing to create same -- Officers.
212.780 Definitions for KRS 212.780 to 212.794.
212.784 Jurisdiction and powers of board.
212.786 Membership of board -- Terms -- Vacancies.
212.788 Quorum -- Officers -- Compensation -- Meetings.
212.794 Bases for funding and budgeting -- Accounting and records system -- Annual report -- Compliance with KRS 65A.010 to 65A.090.
212.830 Definitions for KRS 212.810 to 212.930.
212.840 District health departments -- Boundaries -- Costs.
212.850 Establishment of district health departments.
212.855 Members of district board of health -- Appointment -- Terms.
212.860 District board of health -- Meetings -- Quorum -- Compensation.
212.870 District health department -- Staff -- Compensation.
212.880 Duties of district health departments.
212.890 Powers of local and district health departments.
212.900 District health officer.