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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 209 - Protection of adults
209.005 Elder Abuse Committee -- Membership -- Duties -- Annual report.
209.010 Purpose and application of chapter.
209.020 Definitions for chapter.
209.035 Cabinet's authority to promulgate administrative regulations on general adult services.
209.040 Remedies -- Injunctive relief.
209.050 Immunity from civil or criminal liability.
209.060 Privileged relationships not ground for excluding evidence.
209.100 Emergency protective services.
209.110 Petition -- Guardian ad litem -- Summons -- Notice -- Hearing -- Report to court -- Fee.
209.120 Findings by court -- Limitations of court's power -- Termination of order.
209.130 Ex parte order of court -- Implementation.
209.140 Confidentiality of information.
209.150 Who may make criminal complaint.
209.160 Renumbered as KRS 209A.045.
209.170 Staffing requirements.
209.180 Prosecution of adult abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
209.195 Electronic development of and access to educational and training courses and materials.
209.500 Kentucky Senior Games Program.
209.550 Definitions for KRS 209.550 to 209.554.
209.554 Administrative regulations -- Educational literature -- Information available on request.