Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 190A - Recreational vehicle sales
190A.140 Penalty for violation of chapter.

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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes

Kentucky Revised Statutes

Chapter 190A - Recreational vehicle sales

190A.010 Definitions for chapter.

190A.020 Motor Vehicle Commission's licensure and supervision of recreational vehicle dealers and manufacturers -- Additional statutory requirements for new recreational vehicle dealers.

190A.030 Conditions applicable to area of sales responsibility of a new recreational vehicle dealer included in an agreement between a new recreational vehicle manufacturer and a dealer -- Prohibition against sales activity outside of designated area...

190A.040 Recreational vehicle manufacturer may terminate or not renew a new recreational vehicle dealer's agreement with good cause -- Determination of good cause -- Notice of termination or nonrenewal of dealer agreement.

190A.050 New recreational vehicle dealer may terminate a dealer agreement with recreational vehicle manufacturer with or without good cause -- Conditions applicable to termination -- Burden of showing good cause -- Notice -- Clear title required for...

190A.060 New recreational vehicle dealer not prohibited from selling remaining in-stock recreational vehicles after termination or nonrenewal of dealer agreement.

190A.070 Conditions applicable to proposed sale of business assets, stock transfer, or other transaction that will result in a change of ownership of a new recreational vehicle dealer except in cases of death, incapacity, or retirement of designated...

190A.080 Obligations of warrantor of products sold by new recreational vehicle dealer -- Audits of dealer records -- Warranty claims submission -- Storage of defective warranty parts -- Notification of warrantor if dealer is unable to perform warrant...

190A.090 Warrantor's prohibited actions.

190A.100 Recreational vehicle dealer's prohibited actions.

190A.110 Activities in violation of chapter.

190A.120 Conditions applicable to new recreational vehicle damaged prior to delivery to dealer or in transit to dealer -- Inspection and rejection of recreational vehicles that are damaged or have unreasonable odometer mileage.

190A.130 Coercion of recreational vehicle dealer by manufacturer prohibited.

190A.140 Penalty for violation of chapter.