Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 189 - Traffic regulations -- vehicle equipment and storage
189.657 Repealed, 1978.

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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes

Kentucky Revised Statutes

Chapter 189 - Traffic regulations -- vehicle equipment and storage

189.010 Definitions for chapter.

189.011 Additional definitions -- Application of light regulations.

189.012 Repealed, 1966.

189.020 Equipment of vehicle not to be nuisance or menace.

189.025 Repealed, 1988.

189.030 Time when lights must be on.

189.040 Front lights -- Flashing lights.

189.043 Flashing white or amber lights to warn of traffic hazard permitted.

189.045 Flashing lights prohibited near highway.

189.047 Repealed, 1970.

189.050 Rear, side, and clearance lights and lanterns.

189.055 Brake lights.

189.060 Lights on vehicles in tow and projections -- Motor vehicle used as towing unit.

189.070 Motor vehicles to carry and use required flares or similar signals.

189.080 Horns and other sound devices.

189.090 Brakes.

189.095 Brake linings, sale when not of approved type prohibited.

189.100 Steering device not to be defective.

189.110 Unobstructed windshields -- Display of American flag -- Windshield wipers.

189.120 Safety glass required in motor vehicles.

189.125 Requirements of use of seat belts, child restraint systems, and child booster seats -- Exceptions.

189.126 Roadblocks for sole purpose of checking for seat belt violations prohibited.

189.130 Mirrors.

189.140 Mufflers -- Noise regulation.

189.150 Escaping contents -- Shifting or spilling loads.

189.160 Vehicles transporting explosives to be marked -- Fire extinguishers.

189.170 Repealed, 1988.

189.180 Repealed, 1950.

189.190 Chains and lugs on wheels -- Thickness of solid rubber tires.

189.200 Maximum weight on iron and solid tires.

189.205 Regrooved or recut tires prohibited -- Exceptions.

189.210 Maximum weight permitted on highway.

189.212 Authority of fiscal court to issue special permits for certain haulers.

189.214 Recreational vehicles -- Access to public highways -- Definitions.

189.220 Repealed, 1950.

189.221 Basic height, width, length, and weight limits for trucks, trailers, manufactured homes, or vehicles -- Exception.

189.222 Increased height, length, and weight limits on designated highways -- Exceptions -- Cabinet may promulgate administrative regulations to implement 23 C.F.R. Part 658 -- Restriction of cabinet's enforcement powers on locally maintained roads.

189.2224 Authority to join interstate compact for overdimensional permits.

189.2225 Operation of certain overdimensional motor vehicles authorized in some counties -- Operation of certain overdimensional motor vehicles transporting agricultural commodities or materials authorized on all public roads.

189.2226 Definitions -- Vehicles hauling building materials.

189.223 Measuring or weighing of vehicle by peace officer -- Unloading of excess weight.

189.224 Permitting unlawful operation of a motor vehicle prohibited.

189.225 Repealed, 1950.

189.226 Violations of KRS 189.221 to 189.228, what constitutes.

189.227 Enforcement of KRS 189.221 to 189.228 and other statutes relating to motor vehicles -- Department of Kentucky State Police powers -- Commercial motor vehicle inspectors.

189.228 Evidence of ownership -- Each violation constitutes separate offense.

189.230 Reduction of load and speed limits -- Fiscal court to require cooperative agreement of persons applying for permit under KRS 189.212.

189.2301 Axle weight exemption for vehicles on state-maintained AAA highways.

189.231 State maintained highways -- Restriction and regulation of traffic.

189.232 Repealed, 2019.

189.2325 Posting of signs advising motorists of increased traffic penalties in state highway work zones.

189.2327 Doubling of fines in highway work zone -- Highway work zone safety fund.

189.2329 Prohibited conduct with respect to temporary traffic control devices in highway work zones -- Penalty -- Disposition of restitution payments.

189.233 Regulation of traffic on state highways.

189.235 Repealed, 1950.

189.240 Repealed, 1950.

189.250 Repealed, 1950.

189.260 Display of plates by commercial vehicles -- Registration to be kept in truck.

189.265 Motor buses -- Height, length and weight limits on designated highways.

189.269 Prohibition on new overweight or overdimensional permits -- Exception.

189.270 Special permits to exceed limits.

189.271 Special permits for hauling industrial materials -- Renewals -- Overweight and overdimensional vehicles.

189.2713 Annual and single-trip permits for transporting loads of metal commodities weighing between 80,001 and 120,000 pounds -- Administrative regulations.

189.2714 Repealed, 2019.

189.2715 Repealed, 2017.

189.2716 Annual overdimensional permit for transporting steel products to a Kentucky riverport -- Width and mileage limitations.

189.2717 Annual overweight permit for transporting nondivisible loads over specified routes -- Axle-weight limitation.

189.2718 Administrative regulations regarding issuance of annual certificates for transporting feed for livestock or poultry to a farm or other facility housing livestock or poultry.

189.272 Venue and jurisdiction -- Overweight vehicle cases.

189.273 Repealed, 1998.

189.274 Repealed, 1998.

189.275 Repealed, 1976.

189.276 Repealed, 1984.

189.277 Repealed, 1984.

189.280 Trucks and trailers owned by governmental units -- Regulation of trucks and trailers by cities.

189.281 Local government pilot program for off-highway vehicles.

189.282 Operation of low-speed vehicle on highway.

189.283 Regulation of commercial parcel delivery made by means of low-speed vehicle, golf cart, or utility vehicle -- Administrative regulations.

189.284 Operation of alternative-speed motorcycle on highway.

189.285 Regulations for operating and riding on motorcycles -- Headgear requirements -- Definitions of motorcycle and moped.

189.2851 Operation, titling, registration, and insuring of motor scooters -- Headgear requirements.

189.286 Local government may permit operation of golf cart on public roadway -- Ordinance -- Qualifications for operation -- Exemption from title, registration, and emissions compliance requirements -- Preemption by Transportation Cabinet.

189.287 Bicycle safety regulations and standards.

189.288 Operation, insuring, titling, and registration of autocycles -- Exemption from headgear requirements.

189.289 Operation of electric low-speed scooter on highway, bicycle lane, or bicycle path.

189.290 Operator of vehicle to drive carefully.

189.292 Use of personal communication device prohibited while operating motor vehicle in motion on traveled portion of roadway -- Exclusions -- Administrative regulations.

189.294 Use of personal communication device by minor prohibited while operating motor vehicle, motorcycle, or moped in motion on traveled portion of roadway -- Exclusions -- Administrative regulations.

189.300 Vehicles to keep to right -- Exceptions.

189.310 Vehicles meeting other vehicles and animals.

189.320 Repealed, 1970.

189.330 Turning and right-of-way at intersections.

189.335 Authority to install yield right-of-way signs.

189.336 Installation of flasher lights near schools -- Speed limits.

189.337 Traffic control signs, uniform standards to be prescribed -- Sign to conform -- Prohibited activities.

189.338 Limitation of colored lights used in traffic-control signals -- Rules for vehicular and pedestrian traffic controlled by traffic-control signals -- Affirmative defense for motorcyclists.

189.340 Overtaking vehicles, bicycles, or electric low-speed scooters -- Traffic lanes -- Following vehicles -- Exemption for commercial motor vehicle platoon trailing vehicle.

189.345 Prohibitions against driving on left side of roadway.

189.350 Assistance in passing or overtaking.

189.360 Passing cars receiving or discharging passengers.

189.370 Passing stopped school or church bus prohibited -- Application to properly marked vehicles -- Rebuttable presumption as to identity of violator.

189.375 School or church bus signaling device -- Use -- Stopping regulated.

189.377 Yielding right-of-way to solid waste collection service vehicle.

189.378 Funeral processions.

189.380 Signals.

189.390 Speed -- Secretary authorized to increase speed limit in certain areas by official order -- Parking.

189.391 Repealed, 1988.

189.392 Emergency vehicles excepted.

189.393 Complying with traffic officer's signal.

189.394 Fines for speeding -- Doubling of fines in school areas with flashing lights.

189.395 Repealed, 1964.

189.396 Enforcement of traffic regulations on off-street parking facilities offered for public use.

189.400 Turning around on curve or grade.

189.410 Repealed, 1994.

189.420 Driving on mountain highways.

189.430 Coasting prohibited -- Unattended vehicle.

189.440 Starting a parked vehicle.

189.450 Stopping, standing, parking, or repairing vehicle on roadway or shoulders of highway.

189.455 Repealed, 1978.

189.456 Accessible parking placard for person with a disability -- Duplicate placard -- Fees -- Proof of disability -- Application by parent or guardian -- Organizations transporting disabled individuals -- Display -- Administrative regulations.

189.458 Temporary accessible parking placard for person with a disability -- Replacement -- Fee -- Proof of disability -- Display -- Administrative regulations.

189.459 Parking limits for vehicles with plates or placards for persons with a disability -- Prohibitions.

189.4595 Exemption from local motor vehicle licenses and fees for disabled veterans or Congressional Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, Navy Cross, or Air Force Cross recipients -- Extension of legal parking period.

189.460 Repealed, 1970.

189.470 Obstruction to operator's view or control.

189.480 Towed vehicles.

189.490 Repealed, 2006.

189.500 Logs or stones not to be dragged on highways.

189.505 Motor vehicle races on highways prohibited.

189.510 Horse race on highway prohibited.

189.515 Restrictions on operation of all-terrain vehicles.

189.517 Mini-truck -- Definition -- Criteria for operation -- Permitted and prohibited uses.

189.520 Operating vehicle not a motor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants or substance which may impair driving ability prohibited -- Presumptions concerning intoxication.

189.530 Providing motor vehicle to person intoxicated or under influence of substance which may impair driving ability -- Possession of open alcoholic beverage container in a motor vehicle prohibited -- Exceptions -- Definitions -- Election of offens...

189.540 Regulations for school buses -- Operator required to have commercial driver's license with school bus endorsement.

189.550 Vehicles used for transporting children to stop at railroad crossings.

189.560 Railroad crossings -- Duties of motor vehicle operators and commercial drivers -- Railroad's liability for death or injury.

189.561 Investigation of certain public grade crossings not equipped with gates -- Results -- Costs.

189.562 Duty of railroad company when warning device incorrectly remains activated.

189.565 Operator of motor vehicle used in transporting inflammable liquids or explosives to stop vehicle at railroad crossings -- Exceptions.

189.570 Pedestrians.

189.575 Yielding right-of-way to blind pedestrian.

189.580 Duty in case of accident -- Movement of vehicle from roadway after accident -- Removal of vehicles obstructing roadway -- Exemptions -- Costs of removal recoverable.

189.590 Coroners to report deaths.

189.600 Repealed, 1977.

189.610 Repealed, 1977.

189.620 Repealed, 1977.

189.630 Repealed, 2006.

189.635 Vehicle accident reports by operators, law enforcement officers, and agencies -- Availability -- News-gathering organizations -- Contracts with outside entities to provide vehicle's accident history and electronic access to reports -- Adminis...

189.636 Accident or traffic violation involving uninsured motor vehicle.

189.640 Repealed, 1942.

189.641 Repealed, 1978.

189.643 Repealed, 1978.

189.645 Repealed, 1978.

189.647 Repealed, 1978.

189.650 Repealed, 1942.

189.651 Repealed, 1978.

189.653 Repealed, 1978.

189.655 Repealed, 1978.

189.657 Repealed, 1978.

189.659 Repealed, 1978.

189.660 Repealed, 1978.

189.670 Public policy as to trucks declared.

189.700 Declaration of policy concerning parking lots and automobile storage garages.

189.705 Posting of notice of hours facility is open -- Attendant required -- Exceptions.

189.710 Liability of parking lot or storage garage operator.

189.715 Checking of personal articles other than automobile equipment -- Posting of notice.

189.720 Contracts limiting liability are void.

189.725 Removal of vehicles by owner of private parking lot -- Signs.

189.730 Repealed, 1978.

189.740 Repealed, 1966.

189.750 Repealed, 1966.

189.751 Abandonment of vehicle on county road or city street -- Penalty -- Removal -- Disposition.

189.752 Definitions for KRS 189.753.

189.753 Abandonment of motor vehicle on state highway -- Presumption -- Notification -- Removal.

189.754 Removal of injurious substance from highway.

189.760 Repealed, 1982.

189.763 Repealed, 1982.

189.767 Repealed, 1982.

189.770 Repealed, 1982.

189.773 Repealed, 1982.

189.777 Repealed, 1982.

189.780 Repealed, 1982.

189.783 Repealed, 1982.

189.787 Repealed, 1982.

189.790 Repealed, 1982.

189.793 Repealed, 1982.

189.810 Definitions.

189.820 Slow-moving vehicle emblem or reflective tape required -- Display -- Regulations for mounting emblem or reflective tape.

189.830 Use of emblem or reflective tape restricted -- Exemption from requirement.

189.860 Off-road vehicles.

189.910 Definitions for KRS 189.920 to 189.950.

189.920 Flashing lights and sirens.

189.930 Right-of-way to emergency vehicles -- Blocking or following emergency vehicles -- Driving over unprotected hoses of fire department.

189.940 Exemptions from traffic regulations.

189.945 Prohibition against use of mobile infrared electronic transmitter -- Exceptions -- Penalties.

189.950 Prohibitions -- Exceptions. (Effective until January 1, 2023).

189.950 Prohibitions -- Exceptions. (Effective January 1, 2023).

189.960 Right-of-way to public safety vehicle or to pedestrian engaged in work on highway.

189.990 Penalties.

189.991 Repealed, 1968.

189.992 Repealed, 1968.

189.993 Penalties.

189.994 Repealed, 1968.

189.995 Repealed, 1968.

189.999 Prepayment of fines subject to certain conditions.