Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 184 - Public road districts
184.160 Entire assessment due in absence of agreement -- Interest -- Collection.

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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes

Kentucky Revised Statutes

Chapter 184 - Public road districts

184.010 Public road districts authorized in counties.

184.020 Establishment of public road district -- Preparation of map -- Estimate of cost.

184.030 Repealed, 1984.

184.040 Examination of submitted plan of service by county road engineer.

184.050 Repealed, 1984.

184.060 Appointment of board of directors -- Qualifications -- Term -- Vacancies -- Removal of member.

184.070 Oath and bond of directors.

184.080 Powers and duties of board of directors -- Officers -- Employees -- Compensation -- Regulations -- Approval of accounts and acts of directors -- Compliance with KRS 65A.010 to 65A.090 -- Dissolution of district.

184.090 Meetings of board.

184.100 Approval of plans and specifications by board -- Preliminary costs.

184.110 Advertisement for bids for road construction or maintenance -- Letting of contract.

184.120 Determination of cost -- Assessment against owners.

184.130 Lien of assessments.

184.140 Notice of assessment -- Methods of payment.

184.150 Agreements for payment on ten-year plan -- When payments due.

184.160 Entire assessment due in absence of agreement -- Interest -- Collection.

184.170 Execution of agreement by life tenant or person under disability.

184.180 Privilege of prepayment.

184.190 Notice of maturity of installments.

184.200 Penalty in case of installment default -- Acceleration -- Enforcement of lien.

184.210 Application of money from installment payments, interest and penalties.

184.220 Foreclosure of liens -- Redemption.

184.230 Lis pendens notices make liens effective.

184.240 Authority to issue apportionment warrants or road district bonds.

184.250 Form of apportionment warrants -- Sale.

184.260 Road improvement bonds -- Form -- Term -- Tax exemptions -- Rights of holders -- Payment.

184.270 Sale of bonds -- Sources of payment.

184.280 Duties and liabilities of treasurer of district -- Bond.

184.290 Effect of sale of land on other liens.

184.300 Parties in action to foreclose lien -- Application of proceeds -- Pleadings -- Purchase at sale by district.

184.350 Definitions for KRS 184.350 to 184.395.

184.353 Creation of transportation improvement district -- Board of trustees.

184.355 Powers of district.

184.357 Improvements -- Hearing requirements -- Contracts.

184.360 Acquisition of property -- Conditions – Exceptions.

184.363 Board of trustees may acquire, hold, and sell property -- Conditions.

184.365 Bonds -- Issuance -- Requirements -- Bond proceedings -- Board's officers and employees not liable in personal capacities.

184.367 Refunding bonds.

184.370 Bonds not a debt of the state.

184.373 Trust agreements -- Conditions.

184.375 Revenues derived from project -- How applied.

184.377 Moneys received by board to be held and applied as provided in KRS 184.350 to 184.395 and applicable bond proceedings.

184.380 Bond holder or trustee may compel performance.

184.383 District not required to pay state or local taxes or assessments -- Conditions.

184.385 Demonstration project -- Powers of Transportation Cabinet.

184.387 Legislative findings.

184.390 Consent or approval of political subdivision not required.

184.395 County legislative body may enter into agreement with transportation improvement district -- Conditions.