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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 181 - County and city bridges, tunnels, and ferries
181.020 Construction and purchase of interstate bridges and tunnels.
181.030 Counties may issue bonds to pay for bridges or tunnels.
181.040 Tolls may be charged -- Use of tolls to retire bonds.
181.050 Bridge or tunnel to be free when bonds are paid and to be part of primary road system.
181.510 Contracts to do away with tolls.
181.515 Powers of KRS 181.510 to 181.550 possessed by urban-county governments.
181.520 Disposition of proceeds of bridge under contract -- Payment of repairs and maintenance.
181.530 Obligations of city in regard to the bridge.
181.540 Owners to be relieved from obligations.
181.550 Bridge to be public property.
181.560 Bonds may be issued for construction or purchase of interstate bridges.
181.565 Powers of KRS 181.560 to 181.840 possessed by urban-county governments.
181.580 Commission is a corporation -- Officers -- Compensation.
181.590 Powers of bridge commission.
181.600 Restrictions on members and employees.
181.620 Condemnation of property.
181.630 Improvements to be contracted for before bonds are sold.
181.640 Purchase of real property -- Contracts to be advertised and awarded.
181.650 Removal of obstructions -- Public ways and works to be restored.
181.660 Commission may issue bonds -- Form -- Place of payment -- Registration.
181.670 Interest on bonds -- Maturity -- Redemption before maturity.
181.680 Bonds to be paid from bridge revenues only.
181.690 Sale of bonds -- Use of proceeds and manner of withdrawal.
181.700 Bonds to be lawful investments -- Tax-exempt.
181.710 Additional bonds may be issued -- Effect of surplus.
181.730 Application of, and lien on, proceeds of bonds.
181.740 Trustee may be selected -- Provisions of trust indenture -- Expenses of indenture.
181.750 Trust indenture may create a lien on the bridge property, when.
181.760 Commission to fix and collect bridge tolls.
181.770 Allocation of fund for payment of principal and interest.
181.780 Tolls to cease when bonds are paid -- Exception.
181.790 Trustee and bondholders may bring actions to protect rights.
181.800 Commission may accept contributions.
181.820 Acquisition of ferries.
181.830 Additional powers of commission.
181.840 Dissolution of commission -- City legislative body to operate and maintain bridge.