Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 164A - Higher education finance
164A.330 Participation agreements for savings plan trust -- Confidentiality of information.

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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes

Kentucky Revised Statutes

Chapter 164A - Higher education finance

164A.010 Findings -- Determinations -- Intent.

164A.011 Plans for organization and operation of corporation and of Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority -- Code of ethics.

164A.020 Definitions.

164A.030 Corporation is de jure municipal corporation and political subdivision.

164A.040 Purpose.

164A.050 Kentucky Higher Education Student Loan Corporation -- Establishment -- Organization -- Terms -- Duties -- Removal -- Expenses -- Relationship with other educational entities.

164A.055 Asset Resolution Corporation -- Purpose -- Powers -- Compensation.

164A.060 Powers of corporation.

164A.065 Powers of corporation as to supplemental student loans.

164A.070 Status of obligations issued by corporation.

164A.080 Bond issue -- Amount -- Interest -- Use of proceeds -- Approval of General Assembly required for certain bond or note issuances -- Exception.

164A.090 Trust agreements authorized.

164A.100 Pledge of assets or revenues of corporation.

164A.110 All moneys received deemed trust funds.

164A.120 Rights of holders of obligations.

164A.130 Obligations issued under chapter are negotiable instruments.

164A.140 Public agencies, political subdivisions and others may invest in the securities issued by the corporation.

164A.150 Issuance of refunding obligations.

164A.160 Reserve or replacement funds.

164A.170 Annual report and audit.

164A.180 Exemption from personal liability.

164A.190 Acceptance of and expenditure of moneys received from General Assembly.

164A.200 Corporation exempt from taxation -- Interest on bonds issued by corporation may be subject to federal income taxation.

164A.210 Conflicts of interest.

164A.220 Chapter deemed supplemental to other laws.

164A.230 Dissolution of corporation.

164A.240 "Eligible borrower" defined -- Additional student loans permitted -- Garnishment -- Administrative regulations -- Bonds to finance loans -- Maximum annual loan amount.

164A.250 Student loan forgiveness program for graduates in energy-related fields.

164A.260 STABLE Kentucky account.

164A.300 Legislative findings and intent.

164A.305 Definitions for KRS 164A.300 to 164A.380.

164A.310 Kentucky Educational Savings Plan Trust -- Powers of board.

164A.315 Repealed, 2015.

164A.320 Repealed, 1992.

164A.325 Additional powers of board as to savings plan trust.

164A.330 Participation agreements for savings plan trust -- Confidentiality of information.

164A.335 Program and administrative funds for savings plan trust -- Investment and payments from funds.

164A.337 Repealed, 2015.

164A.340 Repealed, 1992.

164A.345 Repealed, 1998.

164A.350 Ownership of contributions and interest -- Cancellation of participation agreement -- Transfer of ownership rights -- Penalty on earnings refunded due to cancellation or nondistribution -- Exemption from creditor's execution.

164A.355 Effect of payments on determination of need and eligibility for student aid.

164A.360 Repealed, 2018.

164A.365 Annual audited financial report to Governor, General Assembly, and State Auditor.

164A.370 Tax exemption.

164A.375 Property rights to assets in trust.

164A.380 Liberal construction.

164A.550 Definitions for KRS 164A.555 to 164A.630.

164A.555 Transfer of funds to institutions.

164A.560 Election by institution to perform in accordance with KRS 164A.555 to 164A.630.

164A.565 Accrual basis accounting system -- Other records -- Annual report -- Budgets, financial statements, and meetings information to be publicly available on Web site.

164A.570 Annual audit.

164A.575 Purchasing -- Inventories -- Lease renewals -- Sales of surplus property -- Bidding procedures -- Kentucky-grown agricultural products -- Reports -- Capital construction projects and equipment not listed in budget bill -- Reciprocal preferen...

164A.580 Management of capital construction projects.

164A.585 Contracting for capital construction projects -- Items considered equal to specifications may be furnished.

164A.590 Contracting for architectural and engineering services.

164A.595 Carrying out of capital construction projects.

164A.600 Procedures and limitations of KRS 45.750 through 45.800 and KRS Chapter 45A apply -- Projects limited to scope authorized by General Assembly.

164A.605 Procedures and limitations on issuance of consolidated educational building revenue bonds, housing bonds, or bond anticipation notes.

164A.608 Interception of appropriated funds when institution is unable to make bond payments -- Action by governing board to generate additional revenues.

164A.610 Organization and operation of affiliated corporations.

164A.615 Acceptance of gifts -- Awarding of scholarships, grants, etc.

164A.620 Fund for excellence.

164A.625 Severability clause.

164A.630 Statutes binding the board.

164A.700 Definitions for KRS 164A.700 to 164A.709.

164A.701 Commonwealth postsecondary education prepaid tuition trust fund -- Prepaid postsecondary tuition administrative account.

164A.703 Repealed, 2005.

164A.704 Duties of board.

164A.705 Obligations of fund and of purchaser or qualified beneficiary -- Limitation of liability -- Use of tuition account.

164A.707 Prepaid tuition contracts -- Amendments -- Accounts not subject to creditors or taxes -- No guarantee of attendance at institution -- Payment of contracts -- Beneficiaries -- Investments and earnings -- Contracts not securities or annuities...

164A.708 Prepaid tuition contracts entered into before and after April 25, 2006 -- Obligations of the Commonwealth.

164A.709 Termination of prepaid tuition contract or account -- Transfer of funds -- Operations of Commonwealth postsecondary education prepaid tuition trust fund and the Tuition Account Program Office to end on June 30, 2030.

164A.800 Creation of fund.

164A.805 Board of trustees -- Appointment -- Terms -- General powers.

164A.810 Funds -- Deposit -- Investment -- Purpose.

164A.815 Records -- Reports.

164A.820 Use of fund -- Separate budget required.

164A.830 Revenue bonds -- University of Kentucky may issue.

164A.840 Source of funds.