Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 15A - Justice and public safety cabinet
15A.160 Promulgation of administrative regulations -- Administration of laws and cabinet functions.

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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes

Kentucky Revised Statutes

Chapter 15A - Justice and public safety cabinet

15A.010 Repealed, 1992.

15A.011 Definitions for chapter.

15A.015 Deputy secretaries of justice and public safety.

15A.020 Organization of Justice and Public Safety Cabinet.

15A.030 Additional organizational units in cabinet.

15A.040 Office of the Secretary -- Duties.

15A.042 Repealed, 2007.

15A.050 Repealed, 2007.

15A.060 Office of Secretary to serve as state planning agency for federal Crime Control and Safe Streets Act.

15A.061 Interdepartmental collaboration for analysis of juvenile recidivism.

15A.062 Fiscal incentive program for local efforts to enhance public safety and reduce juvenile justice system costs.

15A.063 Juvenile Justice Oversight Council -- Purpose -- Membership -- Duties.

15A.065 Department of Juvenile Justice -- Powers and duties -- Advisory board.

15A.0651 Access to juvenile facility records -- When permitted -- Appeal of denial.

15A.0652 Juvenile justice administrative regulations.

15A.0653 Liability insurance for health care professionals employed by or serving department -- Authority of commissioner to purchase.

15A.0654 Earmarking of juvenile justice funding for evidence-based practices.

15A.066 Department of Juvenile Justice employee not required to give personal attendance in out-of-county civil suit -- Exception for necessary witness.

15A.067 Division of Program Services -- Access to educational records -- Screening and education of incarcerated youth -- Information on educational status and need.

15A.068 Duties of department if child may be victim of human trafficking -- Administrative regulations.

15A.069 Division of Placement Services -- Duties -- Reinvestment of juvenile justice facilities' savings.

15A.070 Duties and powers of Department of Criminal Justice Training -- Course instruction -- Administrative regulations -- Qualification as independent study.

15A.072 Transfer of Department of Criminal Justice Training contract employees.

15A.075 Criminal Justice Council -- Membership -- Duties -- Administrative support.

15A.080 Interrelationship of offices for administrative purposes.

15A.090 Internal organization.

15A.100 Power and authority of secretary in performing functions of cabinet -- Deputy.

15A.110 Assistants to secretary.

15A.120 Repealed, 2007.

15A.130 Repealed, 2007.

15A.140 Repealed, 2007.

15A.150 Administering of programs and grants.

15A.160 Promulgation of administrative regulations -- Administration of laws and cabinet functions.

15A.170 Repealed, 2007.

15A.180 Repealed, 2007.

15A.190 Uniform reporting forms to provide statistical information on crimes.

15A.195 Prohibition against racial profiling -- Model policy -- Local law enforcement agencies' policies.

15A.197 Justice and Public Safety Cabinet may provide state personnel, property, and resources to Trooper Island, the Kentucky State Police Foundation, and the Kentucky Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation.

15A.200 Definitions for KRS 15A.210 to 15A.240 and KRS 15A.990.

15A.210 Administrative regulations governing secure juvenile detention facilities.

15A.220 Requirements for secure juvenile detention facilities -- Decertification.

15A.230 Inspection and reporting of secure juvenile detention facilities.

15A.240 Enforcement by Department of Juvenile Justice.

15A.245 Repealed, 2002.

15A.250 Repealed, 2002.

15A.260 Repealed, 2002.

15A.270 Administrative regulations governing fund -- Hearings.

15A.300 Local juvenile delinquency prevention council -- Duties -- Administrative regulations.

15A.305 Statewide detention program -- Alternatives to secure detention -- Notification system -- Per diem charge to lodge juveniles in state-owned or contracted preadjudication facilities -- Fiscal court approval before state takeover, purchase, or...

15A.310 Juvenile data elements for centralized criminal history record information system -- Access.

15A.312 Database update by Department of Juvenile Justice.

15A.314 Renumbered as KRS 194A.360.

15A.320 Youth alternative centers.

15A.340 Kentucky Agency for Substance Abuse Policy (KY-ASAP) -- Organization -- Purpose -- Oversight by Office of Drug Control Policy -- Members of KY-ASAP Board -- Duties of board.

15A.342 Duties of Office of Drug Control Policy and KY-ASAP -- Authority for administrative regulations -- Reports.

15A.344 County tobacco addiction and alcohol and substance abuse advisory and coordination boards -- Role of KY-ASAP -- Local long-term community strategy.

15A.350 Renumbered as KRS 176.5061.

15A.352 Renumbered as KRS 176.5062.

15A.354 Renumbered as KRS 176.5063.

15A.356 Renumbered as KRS 176.5064.

15A.358 Renumbered as KRS 176.5065.

15A.360 Renumbered as KRS 176.5066.

15A.362 Renumbered as KRS 176.5067.

15A.364 Renumbered as KRS 176.5068.

15A.366 Renumbered as KRS 176.5069.

15A.370 Repealed, 2009.

15A.371 Repealed, 2009.

15A.372 Repealed, 2009.

15A.990 Penalty.