Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 157 - State support of education
157.260 Annual reports of disabled children by school districts.

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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes

Kentucky Revised Statutes

Chapter 157 - State support of education

157.010 Elements of the school fund.

157.014 Repealed, 1966.

157.016 Repealed, 1966.

157.018 Repealed, 1966.

157.020 Repealed, 1954.

157.022 Repealed, 1966.

157.024 Repealed, 1966.

157.030 Net revenue to be distributed -- Incidental expenses not to be deducted.

157.040 Repealed, 1954.

157.050 Repealed, 1954.

157.051 Repealed, 1954.

157.052 Repealed, 1954.

157.053 Repealed, 1954.

157.054 Repealed, 1954.

157.055 Repealed, 1954.

157.060 Reports of funds received and spent by school districts.

157.061 Annual audits of school districts.

157.065 School breakfast program -- Annual report by schools not offering -- Annual report by commissioner on status of program. (Effective until January 1, 2023).

157.065 School breakfast program -- Annual report by schools not offering -- Annual report by commissioner on status of program. (Effective January 1, 2023).

157.067 Kentucky successful schools trust fund.

157.069 Distribution of general funds for locally operated secondary area technology centers and vocational departments -- Management and control of state-operated secondary vocational education and technology center by local board in certain fiscal...

157.070 Repealed, 1954.

157.072 Career and technical education accessibility fund.

157.075 Differentiated compensation plans -- Professional compensation fund -- Department of Education recommendations on teacher compensation.

157.077 Support for summer learning programs -- Segregation and use of funds.

157.080 Repealed, 1954.

157.090 Repealed, 1954.

157.100 Funds for textbooks, programs, and instructional regulation for free distribution.

157.110 Determination of grades and subjects to be provided with textbooks -- Rental of textbooks -- Free textbooks for certain students.

157.120 Repealed, 2000.

157.130 Repealed, 2000.

157.140 Responsibility for books not returned -- Enforcement.

157.145 Rebinding of textbooks.

157.150 Textbooks property of state.

157.160 Sale of obsolete textbooks.

157.170 Administrative regulations for sale of books and materials for private use.

157.180 School furniture or supplies not to be sold by teachers or employees distributing books.

157.190 Funds for textbooks, programs, and instructional materials for children in specified facilities.

157.195 Legislative findings on students' right to quality education.

157.196 Individual education plan for exceptional children -- Administrative regulations.

157.197 Kentucky Special Education Mentor Program -- Criteria.

157.198 Dyslexia trust fund.

157.200 Definitions for KRS 157.200 to 157.290.

157.210 Repealed, 1956.

157.220 Functions of Department of Education in special education programs.

157.221 Repealed, 1990.

157.222 Repealed, 1974.

157.224 Statewide plan for exceptional education programs -- Annual applications and reports -- Improvement plan -- Special education trust fund -- Administrative hearings.

157.226 Repealed, 2013.

157.230 Special educational programs of school districts.

157.240 Repealed, 1980.

157.250 Certification requirement for teachers -- Exception.

157.260 Annual reports of disabled children by school districts.

157.270 Renumbered as KRS 158.033.

157.280 Special education program furnished by district other than that of child's residence, or privately -- Sharing costs -- Transportation -- Transportation to and from state schools for the deaf and blind.

157.285 Related services provided by local boards of education.

157.290 Tentative preapproval of plans for special education programs.

157.295 Repealed, 1980.

157.300 Repealed, 1962.

157.305 Repealed, 1980.

157.310 Declaration of legislative intent.

157.312 Repealed, 1988.

157.315 Repealed, 1988.

157.317 Repealed, 2000.

157.3175 Preschool education program -- Grant allocation -- Eligibility for free preschool education -- Program components -- Certification of fully utilized program.

157.318 Network of regional training centers for preschool and early childhood education established.

157.320 Definitions for KRS 157.310 to 157.440.

157.330 Fund to support education excellence in Kentucky.

157.340 Repealed, 1956.

157.350 Eligibility of districts for participation in fund to support education excellence in Kentucky.

157.360 Base funding level -- Adjustment -- Enforcement of maximum class sizes -- Allotment of program funds -- Recalculation of allocated funds -- Lengthening of school days.

157.370 Allotment of transportation units.

157.380 Repealed, 1977.

157.390 Determination of teachers' salaries and other required public school funding components -- Additional compensation expenses.

157.395 Salary supplement for national board certified teachers.

157.397 Salary supplement for speech-language pathologists or audiologists -- Supplement to be considered in calculation for retirement.

157.400 Repealed, 1978.

157.410 Payments of funds to districts.

157.420 Restrictions governing expenditure of funds from public school fund -- Use of historic settlement school facilities -- Use of capital outlay funds after mid-year adjustment -- Evaluation of school buildings.

157.430 Percentage reduction in allotments in case of insufficient appropriation by General Assembly.

157.440 Levy of an equivalent tax rate -- Participation in Facilities Support Program -- District may exceed levy authorized by KRS 160.470.

157.450 Intent of KRS 157.450 and 157.455.

157.455 Definitions -- Legislative findings -- Efficient school design -- Development of guidelines -- Assistance to school districts.

157.510 Repealed, 1996.

157.520 Repealed, 1996.

157.530 Repealed, 1996.

157.540 Repealed, 1996.

157.545 Repealed, 1990.

157.550 Repealed, 1990.

157.555 Repealed, 1990.

157.560 Repealed, 1990.

157.564 Repealed, 1990.

157.565 Repealed, 1984.

157.570 Repealed, 1990.

157.575 Repealed, 1990.

157.580 Repealed, 1990.

157.605 Establishment of fund.

157.606 Administration -- Grants -- Authority to promulgate administrative regulations.

157.610 Repealed, 1980.

157.611 School Facilities Construction Commission -- Legislative intent.

157.615 Definitions for KRS 157.611 to 157.640.

157.617 Creation -- Powers -- Members -- Duties.

157.618 Emergency and targeted investment fund -- Purposes -- Reimbursement requirement -- Administrative regulations -- Annual report.

157.620 School district participation requirements.

157.621 Additional tax levies for debt service, new facilities, and major renovations in school districts with student population growth -- Criteria -- Equalization funding.

157.622 Assistance to school districts -- Priority order of needs -- Exception -- Reallocation of funds -- Disposition of bond savings and refinancing savings.

157.623 Funding urgent and critical construction needs -- Proceeds of litigation or insurance to be used for reimbursement.

157.625 Issuance of bonds.

157.627 Requirements for issuance -- Accounting procedure.

157.628 Reimbursement for bonds previously issued.

157.630 Sale of bonds -- Publication area.

157.632 Department to require audit.

157.635 Revenue bonds for state projects.

157.640 Successor agency of Kentucky School Building Authority.

157.650 Construction of certain sections relating to educational technology -- Power of School Facilities Construction Commission.

157.655 Education technology program.

157.660 Procedures for providing assistance for education technology.

157.665 Kentucky education technology trust fund.

157.710 Renumbered as KRS 154.12-204.

157.720 Renumbered as KRS 154.12-205.

157.730 Renumbered as KRS 154.12-206.

157.740 Renumbered as KRS 154.12-207.

157.750 Renumbered as KRS 154.12-208.

157.800 Repealed, 1986.

157.805 Repealed, 1986.

157.810 Repealed, 1986.

157.815 Repealed, 1986.

157.820 Repealed, 1986.

157.825 Repealed, 1986.

157.830 Repealed, 1986.

157.835 Repealed, 1986.

157.840 Repealed, 1986.

157.845 Repealed, 1986.

157.850 Repealed, 1986.

157.855 Repealed, 1986.

157.860 Repealed, 1986.

157.865 Repealed, 1986.

157.870 Repealed, 1986.

157.875 Repealed, 1986.

157.880 Repealed, 1986.

157.885 Repealed, 1986.

157.890 Repealed, 1986.

157.895 Repealed, 1986.

157.900 Statement of legislative purpose.

157.905 Definitions.

157.910 Kentucky Environmental Education Council.

157.915 Functions of council.

157.920 Geography education -- Legislative findings and goal.

157.921 Kentucky Geographic Education Board -- Purpose -- Membership -- Bylaws.

157.922 Functions of the board.

157.924 Geography education trust fund -- Purposes.

157.990 Penalties.