Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 15 - Department of law
15.402 Additional requirements by employing agency.

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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes

Kentucky Revised Statutes

Chapter 15 - Department of law

15.010 Department of Law -- Attorney General as head -- Major organizational units.

15.012 Repealed, 1986.

15.015 Practice of law prohibited.

15.020 Chief law officer and adviser -- Duty to attend to litigation, write opinions, draft writings -- Communication with Legislative Research Commission -- When to appear for Commonwealth -- Constitutional challenge may be brought in any county.

15.025 Conditions to furnishing opinions.

15.030 Repealed, 1944.

15.040 Repealed, 1944.

15.050 Repealed, 1948.

15.055 Publication of list of delinquent child support obligors -- Distribution of "most wanted" posters.

15.060 Actions to collect and recover money due Commonwealth with assistance of Department of Revenue, Auditor of Public Accounts, or any other appropriate agency.

15.070 Index book of cases -- Opinions to be kept on file.

15.080 Biennial report to Governor.

15.090 Appeals.

15.100 Deputy attorney general, solicitor general, assistant deputy attorneys general, assistants, special attorneys and contract attorneys.

15.105 Assistant attorneys general for certain agencies.

15.110 Repealed, 1960.

15.111 Division of Administrative Hearings.

15.113 Attorney General may investigate certain illegal or fraudulent activity -- Prevention of identity theft.

15.115 Repealed, 1960.

15.120 Repealed, 1960.

15.130 Repealed, 1948.

15.140 Repealed, 1960.

15.145 Repealed, 2000.

15.150 Stenographic, investigative and clerical help.

15.160 Repealed, 1950.

15.170 Expenses of Attorney General and assistants when away from capital.

15.180 Power to promulgate regulations.

15.190 Assistance in criminal proceedings on request of local prosecuting officials.

15.200 May intervene or direct criminal proceeding on request of Governor, President of the Senate, Speaker of the House of Representatives, or court or grand jury -- Subpoenas.

15.205 Attorney General may direct Commonwealth's attorney or county attorney to act as special prosecutor.

15.210 Authority in criminal prosecutions.

15.220 Power of Attorney General not to affect powers or duties of local officers.

15.225 Investigation of county financial administration -- Report.

15.230 Repealed, 1976.

15.231 Jurisdiction in criminal and civil cases involving theft of identity and trafficking in stolen identities.

15.232 Concurrent jurisdiction in investigation and prosecution of offenses under KRS 433.890 to 433.896, 433.900 to 433.906, and 512.090.

15.240 Authority of Attorney General to initiate or intervene in certain actions.

15.241 Attorney General's powers to prevent, penalize, and remedy violations of laws relating to elective medical procedures, including abortions.

15.242 Election law jurisdiction -- Notice to Registry of Election Finance.

15.243 Enforcement of all election laws -- Duties of Attorney General -- Toll-free line for report of violations -- Random inquiry for irregularities -- Initiation of prosecutions.

15.245 Witness and victim rights pamphlet -- Preparation -- Distribution.

15.247 Victim, witness, and family protection program -- Protective services.

15.250 Repealed, 1986.

15.255 Powers, duties, and functions of the Department of Law.

15.257 Requirements for distribution of explanatory materials -- Open Records and Open Meetings laws -- Retention and management of public records.

15.260 Other departments and agencies to give assistance.

15.280 Criminal Justice Statistical Analysis Center -- Reports -- Purposes -- Confidentiality of information and record copies.

15.290 Repealed, 2017.

15.291 Kentucky Opioid Abatement Advisory Commission -- Membership -- Meetings -- Criteria for award of moneys from opioid abatement trust fund.

15.293 Opioid abatement trust fund.

15.295 Local government fee fund.

15.300 Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement Compliance Advisory Board -- Members -- Organization -- Duties -- Duties of Attorney General.

15.310 Definitions for KRS 15.310 to 15.510, 15.990, and 15.992.

15.315 Kentucky Law Enforcement Council.

15.320 Meetings of council -- Officers -- Quorum -- Reports.

15.325 Members to be reimbursed for expenses.

15.330 Functions and powers of council.

15.331 Repealed, 2005.

15.333 Repealed, 2005.

15.334 Mandatory training subjects for law enforcement students -- Mandatory in-service training courses for certified peace officers -- Administrative regulations -- Sexual assault investigation training course -- Domestic violence and abuse trainin...

15.335 Residence or voting eligibility not to disqualify peace officer.

15.340 Availability of facilities and services. (Effective until July 1, 2023).

15.340 Availability of facilities and services. (Effective July 1, 2023).

15.350 Definitions.

15.360 Certification of police instructors.

15.370 Certification required for police instruction.

15.380 Officers required to be certified -- Officers permitted to be certified -- Exemptions.

15.382 Minimum qualifications for certification.

15.383 Marksmanship qualification for certified peace officers.

15.384 Cost of council administered tests -- Waiver.

15.386 Certification categories -- Required courses -- Status of certification.

15.388 Report on certification status for newly employed peace officer or court security officer -- Training of person in precertification status -- Issuance or denial -- Right of appeal -- Transfer.

15.390 Appeal upon denial of precertification.

15.391 Revocation of peace officer certification -- Appeal -- Hearing -- Mandatory reporting -- Administrative regulations.

15.392 Report on separation from service -- Placement of certification on inactive status -- Lapse or retirement of certification -- Action by council.

15.394 Declaratory judgment action if agency job task analysis deemed invalid.

15.396 Effect if agency knowingly employs or appoints persons who fail to meet requirements of KRS 15.380 to 15.404.

15.3971 Court security officers -- Minimum qualifications -- Exceptions.

15.3973 Revocation of court security officer certification.

15.3975 Training requirements for employment -- Biennial in-service training -- Extension -- Loss of status upon failure to complete training -- Regaining certification.

15.3977 Certification categories for court security officers.

15.3979 Court security officer not considered hazardous duty position -- Ineligibility for Kentucky Law Enforcement Foundation Program fund.

15.398 Statutory provisions not superseded by KRS 15.380 to 15.404.

15.400 Effect of KRS 15.380 to 15.404 on officers employed before or after December 1, 1998 -- Exception to Open Records Act.

15.402 Additional requirements by employing agency.

15.404 Basic training and in-service training for peace officers. (Effective until January 1, 2023).

15.404 Basic training and in-service training for peace officers and constables. (Effective January 1, 2023).

15.405 Conditional offer of employment as peace officer pending receipt of certification status and employment records.

15.406 Council to provide certification status information to out-of-state law enforcement agency upon request.

15.410 Intention of Legislature to assist law enforcement.

15.420 Definitions for KRS 15.410 to 15.510.

15.430 Law Enforcement Foundation Program fund -- Funds accruing under KRS 42.190 and 136.392 -- Trust and agency fund.

15.440 Requirements for participation in fund distribution -- Service and training in another state -- Eligibility of government unit contingent on police department compliance -- Deputies -- Deadlines.

15.442 Court security officers and fire investigators ineligible to participate in fund -- Appointment of court security officer does not affect eligibility of sheriff or deputy sheriffs.

15.450 Fund administered by secretary -- Administrative regulations -- Reimbursement of administrative costs -- Reports.

15.455 Certification of program cost projections to Finance and Administration Cabinet.

15.460 Supplemental payments and retirement contributions to local governments from fund -- Administrative expense reimbursement -- Fringe benefits costs -- Conservation officers and Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet peace officers -- Supplements to...

15.470 Purposes for which funds may be used.

15.480 Payment by the Finance and Administration Cabinet.

15.490 Reports -- Compensation as part of salary.

15.500 Distribution of insufficient funds -- Unexpended funds.

15.510 Appeals.

15.512 Retention of records of officers having met KRS 15.440(1)(j) biennial training requirements.

15.515 Participation in the Kentucky Law Enforcement Foundation Program Fund by a police officer who is elected jailer.

15.518 Law Enforcement Professional Development and Wellness Program -- Administrative regulations -- Confidentiality of program participant's communications and data -- Exceptions -- Law Enforcement Professional Development and Wellness Program fund...

15.520 Complaints against police officers -- Manner of investigation and hearing -- Statutory provisions that do not apply.

15.525 Referral program for substance abuse treatment -- Information exempt from disclosure under KRS 61.878(1)(a) -- Limitation of liability.

15.530 Definitions.

15.540 Qualifications for law enforcement telecommunicator -- Information not subject to disclosure.

15.550 Law enforcement telecommunicators -- Training program.

15.560 Certificate of completion of training course required for appointment or retention as law enforcement telecommunicator -- Grandfather clause -- Annual in-service training course.

15.565 Certificate of completion of telecommunications academy required for appointment as CJIS telecommunicator -- Completion of CJIS-full access course required for non-CJIS telecommunicator employed as CJIS telecommunicator -- Grandfather clause -...

15.570 Waiver of basic training program upon satisfactory completion of comparable program.

15.580 Roster of certified telecommunicators.

15.585 Reciprocal agreements to provide telephone cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

15.590 Administrative regulations.

15.605 Definitions.

15.610 Primary jurisdiction.

15.615 Repealed, 1978.

15.620 Eliminating conflicts among standards.

15.625 Appeal.

15.630 Injunctive relief against inspecting agency.

15.635 Effect on conflicting laws.

15.700 Unified and integrated prosecutor system established.

15.705 Prosecutors Advisory Council.

15.706 Prosecutors Advisory Council to collect data on sexual offenses involving minors.

15.707 Subpoena power of Prosecutors Advisory Council. (Effective until January 1, 2023).

15.707 Subpoena power of Prosecutors Advisory Council. (Effective January 1, 2023).

15.708 Authority of Prosecutors Advisory Council to apply for and receive funds.

15.710 Delegation of functions to Attorney General.

15.715 Intervention in criminal prosecutions by Attorney General -- Prosecution of complaint against local prosecutor -- Performance of duties of local prosecutor until vacancy filled.

15.717 Development of prosecutor's manual.

15.718 Training and continuing education for Commonwealth's attorneys and county attorneys and their staffs -- Completion requirements.

15.720 Reports.

15.725 Duties of Commonwealth's attorney and county attorneys -- Agreements to share or redistribute prosecutorial duties -- Circuit clerk's authority to issue criminal warrants.

15.727 Duty of Commonwealth's attorney and county attorney to assist child sexual abuse multidisciplinary team.

15.728 Notification to Department of Charitable Gaming of investigation or prosecution of violation of charitable gaming laws.

15.730 Commonwealth's attorneys and county attorneys as special prosecutors.

15.733 Disqualification of prosecuting attorney -- Appointment of a special prosecutor.

15.734 Disqualification of prosecuting attorney due to indictment on a felony charge -- Appointment of special prosecutor for duration of disqualification.

15.735 Disqualification -- Assignment of another prosecutor.

15.740 Commonwealth's attorney and county attorney not to represent accused.

15.745 Construction of KRS Chapter 15.

15.750 Budget -- Payment of office expenses -- Purchase of liability insurance.

15.753 Indemnification from financial loss in legal actions for Attorney General, Commonwealth's attorneys, county attorneys, and their staffs.

15.755 Compensation of Commonwealth's attorney and staff -- Monthly expense allowance -- Compensation adjusted -- Private law practice regulated.

15.757 Procedure for voluntarily changing status from part-time to full-time Commonwealth's attorney.

15.760 Staff of Commonwealth's attorneys -- County's duty to provide grand jury and witness rooms -- Victim advocate.

15.765 Salary of county attorney -- Expense allowance -- Compensation adjustment -- Private practice of law permitted.

15.770 Assistant county attorneys, stenographers, secretaries, and other staff positions.

15.775 Educational programs on investigation and prosecution of crimes against the elderly.

15.900 Definitions for KRS 15.900 to 15.940.

15.905 State Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board.

15.910 Members of board -- Terms -- Chairperson -- Expenses -- Voting.

15.915 Public meetings and records.

15.920 Duties of board.

15.925 Report of board.

15.930 Use of funds.

15.935 Purposes for disbursement of funds.

15.940 Criteria for making grants to community resource organizations -- Administration by cabinet.

15.942 Training plan for child sexual abuse and child abuse and neglect cases.

15.944 Repealed, 2000.

15.946 In-service training for peace officers on child sexual abuse.

15.948 Attorney General to have staff available specially trained in child sexual abuse and child abuse and neglect -- Assistance to prosecutors.

15.990 Penalties.

15.992 Penalties.