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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 116 - Voter registration
116.035 Determination of voter's residence.
116.037 Designation of precincts in area ceded or leased to the government of the United States.
116.045 Voter registration, transfer, or change of party affiliation -- Availability of forms.
116.0455 Voter registration through motor vehicle driver's license application.
116.047 Forgery, alteration, destruction or failure to return completed registration form.
116.048 Voter registration agencies.
116.055 Qualifications for voting in a primary.
116.065 Verification of applications.
116.085 Transfer of registration -- Change of residence -- Name change.
116.095 Access to registration records -- Redaction of Social Security numbers.
116.112 Voter registration purge program -- Inactive voter list.
116.135 Appeal from decision of county board.
116.155 Forms for registration -- Information required.
116.165 Falsification of signature or verification.
116.200 Roster of voters eligible to vote in city and school board elections -- Information to be provided to county clerk.