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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 104 - Flood control and water usage
104.190 Receipt and disbursement of federal flood control payments.
104.450 Definitions for KRS 104.450 to 104.680.
104.460 Power of secretary for energy and environment to establish districts.
104.470 Districts -- When may be established -- Purpose -- Boundaries.
104.480 Petition for district -- Signature requirements.
104.500 Amendment of petition -- Multiple petitions.
104.510 Bond or deposit for costs.
104.530 Notice of application for creation of district.
104.540 Court action opposing creation of district.
104.560 Conclusiveness of certificate.
104.570 Office and records of district.
104.590 Oath and bond of directors.
104.600 Quorum of board -- How business conducted.
104.620 Secretary -- Duties -- Attestation of records.
104.630 Treasurer -- Duties -- Bond -- Countersigning of checks.
104.640 Attorney, engineer, and other employees -- Supplies and equipment.
104.650 Contracts for work, materials or supplies.
104.660 Stream and rain gages, scientific survey, etc. -- Reports.
104.670 Tax for district, levy and collection of.
104.680 Depreciation fund -- Operation and maintenance fund.