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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 100 - Planning and zoning
100.010 Renumbered as KRS 100.314.
100.020 Renumbered as KRS 100.316.
100.084 Repealed, 1966.
100.111 Definitions for chapter.
100.113 Types of planning units permitted.
100.117 Independent planning units.
100.123 Regional planning units.
100.133 Planning commission -- Members, appointment -- Qualifications.
100.153 Reimbursement or compensation.
100.171 Quorum -- Member may conduct hearing or preside.
100.173 Employing planners or other persons.
100.181 Assigning other agency functions to commission.
100.183 Comprehensive plan required.
100.187 Contents of comprehensive plan.
100.191 Research requirements for comprehensive plan.
100.197 Adoption of plan elements -- Periodic amendment or readoption.
100.203 Content of zoning regulations -- Appeal -- Special provisions for urban-county governments.
100.204 Effect of KRS 100.203.
100.207 Text and map of zoning regulations -- Notice and publication.
100.208 Transferable development rights.
100.2111 Alternative regulation for zoning map amendment.
100.212 Notice of hearing on proposed map amendment.
100.213 Findings necessary for proposed map amendment -- Reconsideration.
100.221 Meetings of board -- Quorum -- Minutes -- Bylaws -- Hearing examiner.
100.223 Employing planners or other persons.
100.233 Administration of oaths.
100.237 Conditional use permits.
100.243 Findings necessary for granting variances.
100.247 Variance cannot contradict zoning regulation.
100.251 Variance runs with the land.
100.257 Administrative review.
100.261 Procedure for all appeals to board.
100.263 Public notice of appeal hearing.
100.267 Restraint of construction without permit.
100.271 Administrator of zoning regulations, powers.
100.277 Commission approval required for subdivisions.
100.281 Contents of subdivision regulations.
100.283 Recording final plats.
100.285 Revocation of subdivision plat.
100.287 Department of Highways may review plats.
100.291 Restraint of subdivision construction.
100.292 Land sold in violation of chapter -- Plats filed -- Effect.
100.293 Official map authorized.
100.297 Official map, contents -- Hearing, posting.
100.301 Adoption of map, how construed.
100.303 Construction permits required.
100.307 Permits for unprofitable land.
100.311 Public improvement program.
100.317 Relationship to official map.
100.321 Renumbered as KRS 100.215.
100.325 Unlawful restrictions on federally licensed firearms manufacturer, importer, or dealer.
100.327 KRS 100.215 and 100.324 apply, when.
100.328 Bylaws and procedures.
100.3291 Restrictions imposing highest standards apply.
100.331 Grant of legislative powers to fiscal courts -- Exception.
100.334 Renumbered as KRS 100.328.
100.337 Enforcement by commission.
100.341 Renumbered as KRS 100.292.
100.344 Renumbered as KRS 100.329.
100.345 Presiding body to adopt rules of procedure for public hearing.
100.3471 Bond for appeal of Circuit Court's final decision in KRS Chapter 100 matter.
100.349 Renumbered as KRS 100.3291.
100.361 Construction of chapter.
100.365 Renumbered as KRS 100.216.
100.3682 Certificate for contiguous properties and properties part of same proceeding.
100.3684 Effect of KRS 100.3681 to 100.3683.
100.403 Definitions for KRS 100.401 to 100.419.
100.407 Specific powers of planning commissions to enforce binding elements.
100.413 Appeals from final order of planning commission and judgment of District Court.
100.415 Responsibility for fines -- Other remedies.
100.417 Powers of local government to deal with serious violations.
100.419 Short title for KRS 100.401 to 100.419.
100.982 Definitions for KRS 100.982 to 100.984.
100.984 Residential care facility for persons with disabilities.
100.985 Definitions for KRS 100.985 to 100.987.