Kentucky constitution
Section 201

No railroad, telegraph, telephone, bridge or common carrier company shall consolidate its capital stock, franchises or property, or pool its earnings, in whole or in part, with any other railroad, telegraph, telephone, bridge or common carrier company owning a parallel or competing line or structure, or acquire by purchase, lease or otherwise, any parallel or competing line or structure, or operate the same; nor shall any railroad company or other common carrier combine or make any contract with the owners of any vessel that leaves or makes port in this State, or with any common carrier, by which combination or contract the earnings of one doing the carrying are to be shared by the other not doing the carrying: Provided, however, That telephone companies may acquire by purchase or lease, or otherwise, and operate, parallel or competing exchanges, lines and structures, and the property of other telephone companies, if the state agency as may have jurisdiction over such matters shall first consent thereto, and if, further, each municipality wherein such property or any part thereof is located shall also first consent thereto as to the property within its limits, but under any such acquisition and operation toll line connections with the property so acquired shall be continued and maintained under an agreement between the purchasing company and the toll line companies then furnishing such service, and in the event they are unable to agree as to the terms of such an agreement the state agency as may have jurisdiction over such matters, shall fix the term of such agreement.